
"And, I'm tired."

"Yeah. I'm all for finding this demon or whatever it is that got me outta Hell, but I'm really tired."

"Great. You sleep, I drive."

You lay some money down on the bed and walk towards the door.

The boys grudgingly follow you out the door. Dean opts for the passenger seat so Sam gets the back. You fumble with the keys in your hand and drop them. Yawning, you bend down to pick them up again when you hear the fluttering of wings.

A man stands in front of you except you aren't really sure he is a man. You mostly think this because of the large black wings behind him. They are slightly difficult to see in the dark, but you can see them well enough.


He holds out the keys to you and you take them.

"W-what are you?"

Your eyes trail along his wings, taking them in.

"Castiel, Angel of the lord."

"You raised Dean from Hell," you say immediately.

"I did. You are (Y/n)?"

"Mhmm," you hum in response. "Well Cas, thank you."

You open your arms to hug him but keep stepping back a little.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, I'm trying to hug you, but I don't want to hurt your wings," you reply. He tilts his head.

"You can see my wings?"

"Can't they?" You ask, nodding at Sam and Dean.

"No," Dean replies. Sam also shakes his head.

"Humans can't see angel's wings. Or at least they aren't supposed to."

"So then why...?"

"It has been said that if a human can see your wings, it means... They are your soulmate."

Sam and Dean remain silent. Emotions battle for dominance. You aren't sure whether to be upset or happy.

This guy is kinda attractive. Plus he saved my brother.

"Sam, Dean, go back inside. We're staying here for the night."

They start to protest but you interrupt them.

"I'd like some time alone with my... Soulmate."

The word feels weird on your tongue. The brothers reluctantly go back inside the room and shut the door behind them.

"So Cassie. We're soulmates. I'm assuming I'll be seeing a lot more of you then?"

He tilts his head again.

"Well, when we next meet, I don't think there will be any more of me than there is now."

You shake your head and chuckle.

"I like you already."

You swing your hips to the beat. The music you are listening to can be heard a little because you have it turned up so loud. White earbuds hang loosely in your ears as music blasts out of them.

I thought of angels
Choking on their halos
Get them drunk on rose water
See how dirty I can get them
Pullin out their fragile teeth
Clip their tiny wings

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