Gabriel is sitting in the passenger seat and waves at you. You wave back with a sarcastic smile and get in the drivers seat just as it begins to flurry.

"Are you kidding me? It's still November!"

Just as soon as you say that, the flurries stop. You look at Gabriel quizzically.

"That's weird."

He shrugs in reply.

"So where are we headin cupcake?"

"Not far from here. It's just about a few hours away."

He reaches over and turns on the radio. Slowly, a song starts to filter out of the radio.

Heat of the moment

You reach over to change the station but every station you choose is playing the same song.

"Seriously Gabriel cut it out."

You shut the radio off. As you drive on, you notice a few trees with some green leaves. Your brow furrows in confusion.

"Green leaves?" Your eyes flick away for a moment and when you look back, the previously green leaves are now orange.

"What the hell?"

"Hey (Y/n), maybe we should just head back. Did you not get very much sleep last night?"

"Actually, I got an extra two hours of sleep," you retort, putting your eyes back on the road.

"Why do you hate me?"

You groan inwardly.

"Well, I mean... I don't hate you," you mutter.

"Care to elaborate?"

You don't reply.

"Glad we could have that talk."

The corner of your mouth lifts slightly at the comment, which he doesn't fail to notice.


You pull into a motel and walk in together, duffle bag in hand. The lady at the desk looks between you.

"Would you like one bed, or...?"

Your cheeks heat up and you're about to tell her 'no, two beds please' when Gabriel interrupts by putting an arm around your waist.

"That'd be be great, right sweetheart?"

You're pretty sure your face is beet red by now but you answer him anyways.

"Yeah honey, that'd be great."


"Another abandoned building? Don't they ever change it up a little?"

"Apparently not," Gabriel answers, throwing a candy wrapper in the backseat.

"Stop it."

You smack his hand and open the door to get out.

You both walk into the building quietly. You find yourself wishing for a fork in the path or something so you two can split up for a bit, but all the other paths you come across are blocked off, so you continue down the hall together.

A noise draws your attention to a dark corner of a large room. The floor is covered in grime and mold.


You squint your eyes and step closer.


The figure jumps out at you and bares sharp teeth.


You pull out a machete and swing at it, but miss.


You feel a warm hand grab yours.


Gabriel pulls you back the way you came. You follow him down a hallway you previously notices before. You run to the end and open the door. The door shuts behind you. The darkness envelopes the two of you.

Your chest heaves a little as you catch your breath.

"Hey (Y/n)?"

"What Gabriel?" You hiss through gritted teeth.

If he doesn't shut up, they'll find us.

"I've been thinking."

"That's something new," you reply sharply.

"You like me don't you?"

"What? No I don't," you answer, a little too quickly.

"Well, you know what I think?"

"What, what do you think Gabriel? I'm dying to know."

The size of the room seems to get smaller as your bodies get a little closer.

"I think you've fallen ass over teakettle for me."

(Author here. If you're wondering what "ass over teakettle" means, it means head over heels. I just really wanted to include it because I think it's hilarious and I've never seen anyone use it before. Read on.)

Your eyes snap up to meet his.


Your mouth opens slightly.

"You weren't supposed to know that," you say, your eyes starting to sting a little. You look away from him and at the door.


You sniff a little.

"Yeah, I like you, alright! There, are you happy now? Now you can make fun of me all you want!"

You don't bother to keep your voice down and he doesn't tell you to.

"Why would you think I'd make fun of you?"

Your eyes dart around the room and then look down again.

"Because, I'm just some dumb human, and a Winchester at that. And you're an archangel and-" your voice breaks slightly. "And you always make a joke out of everything so I figured you'd find this so funny. 'Ha, let's laugh at the poor human girl who fell in love with an archangel!'"

A single tear slides down your cheek.

"And even if you did like me back, it wouldn't matter because I don't deserve you anyways."

Tears start falling down your face at a faster rate.

"I'm gonna go kill those vamps."

You start to exit the small closet when he grabs your shoulder and pulls you back.

"(Y/n), I wouldn't laugh at you. And you're not just a dumb human."

You sniff as he wipes away a few of your tears.

"Yes I am, you're lying."

"I'm not lying about this (Y/n). Here, I'll show you."

He leans down slightly and puts his lips on yours. It only takes a second for you to realize what's happening and reciprocate.

You pull away a second later.

"Gabriel, I-"

He pulls you back in for another kiss and you don't resist.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that," he smiles. A banging on the door interrupts.

"Gabriel!" You say, panicked.

"Oh, wait, it's okay! It's okay, look."

He snaps his fingers and suddenly you're back in the motel.

"You little shit! That was all fake? Did you do that just so I would admit I have feelings for you?"

"Well, it worked didn't it?"

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