15) A Werewolf And Mated

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Slowly but surely, I open my eyes while groaning quietly, my body resting on the trampoline in the backyard. I frown to myself and look around before seeing multiple people on the grass, Liam standing at the entrance to the house. He comes over to me slowly, a gentle smile coming onto his face as the other people are giggling and laughing together.

He stops next to the trampoline as I'm nearly falling off of the edge. "What's happening?"

He chuckles and runs his fingers through my soft hair. He leans down and kisses my temple gently before pecking my lips.

"You partied way too hard, love. You and the other people who are here." He lets out a gentle laugh as I sit up slowly. I shake my head a bit before I feel my werewolf teeth poking out while yawning softly.

"I'm a werewolf now, huh?"

He grins big and nods. He takes my hand in his and kisses it a few times before sitting down next to me on the trampoline.

"Yeah, a full werewolf. You ate the meat that my father gave you and you wanted more and more, you thin pig."

I chuckle a bit and rest my head on his shoulder, letting out a soft sigh. I can't believe that I'm a werewolf, but I feel better.

"It was just so good... Where does your father get that?"

He chuckles and shrugs slightly, leaning his head against mine. "I'm really not sure, but I know that we have a long road ahead of us. It'll be a doozy."

I grin slightly as Louis, Harry, and Zayn step out, sitting down altogether to look at the stars above us. Liam and I lay back on the trampoline together. I snuggle closer to him and smile while rubbing his stomach.

"So, do you think that I can go hunting or...”

He looked at me quickly while raising his brow. "Are you sure about that? It can be pretty dangerous at times, and I don't want you to get hurt because of a bear."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "You can be there with me. I just want to see how it feels. I want to feel the breeze against my... wait, what color fur do I have? That's important."

He grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “I think you have white fur. I like white fur." I smirked a bit and snuggled even closer into his side.

I kiss his cheek softly and start humming a bit. "So, that's a yes to go hunting, or are you too nervous?"

He begins to rub my back, sighing heavily as I swing my leg over his. "I'll think about it, okay? For now, I think we should go out into the woods and see if you can handle running in your wolf form."

My eyes brighten as I sit up, staring at him with a growing smile. "Are you serious? Are you sure?" He laughs softly and nods. He sits up with me and takes my hand in his, leading me to the other three who are smiling altogether.

"Hey you three, come with us. We are going to teach Niall how to live in the woods." I grin big. So we are doing more than running. Nice.

The three smile and stand up before we head out through the front door. Once we are outside, Louis gets on Harry's back as Zayn and Liam transform into their wolf forms.

"Wait, Zayn is a werewolf?"

Harry nods and smiles, rubbing Zayn's head. "He wanted to be one, and I couldn't say no to his adorable face." Zayn rubs his head against Harry's leg, making me chuckle before Liam does the same thing, licking my exposed leg as well.

"Do you know how to transform into a wolf?" I shrugged and pouted at him, sighing gently. He turns to me with Louis still on his back.

"What you need to do is close your eyes and clench all of your limbs. The process is easy, and it happens quickly." I smiled gently before closing my eyes and clenching all of my limbs, as he told me to do, before I feel myself getting smaller and hairier.

I open my eyes before I notice Liam looking at me,  licking my face slowly. "Ah, Liam stop, that tickles." His laugh echoes in my head as I laugh myself.

"You'll be getting more than tickled when in this form, Niall. Trust me on that." I then giggle in my head before hearing Zayn groan.

"Can you not be sexual near me. I can hear everything." We both then apologize to him before Harry turns back forward.

"Stop bickering. It's time to go back into the forest."


So I feel like this book should maybe end at chapter 18. I just have a few ideas left so it'll end at 18, which I hope is okay. I love you all and I hope y'all enjoyed this.

-Robbi x

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