"This is impossible," Jacob muttered under his breath as he stood up again, clutching his shoulder.

He watched as his sister was being beat up by Starrick, starting to run to her aid. Starrick grabbed Evie by the neck, choking her.

As Jacob ran up to his enemy, Starrick grabbed Jacob by the neck as well, and started choking both of the Frye twins. As black spots started to appear in Evie's vision, she saw a knife hurl towards Starrick's back, digging deep into the flesh. A celebratory toot followed.

Henry was standing near the entrance of the vault with I.B on his shoulder. I.B flew towards Ruby while Henry ran to the twins, assisting in the fight. He sliced across Starrick's abdomen, victory gleaming in his eyes. His victory was short-lived, however, as Henry noticed the power of the shroud. As Starrick was being healed he threw Henry across the room, and the young Indian man fell limp to the floor.

Jacob gritted his teeth as he ran back towards Starrick, throwing punch after punch.

"Starrick, your reign is nearly over!"

"It has barely begun!" Starrick retorted.

Evie stood back up from the ground, fear flooding her as she saw Henry lying on the ground. She mustered up her strength and ran towards Jacob, trying to help her brother end the everlasting nightmare.

Both twins were attacking Starrick now, not planning on giving up any time soon.

"Evie, now!" Jacob ordered his sister, as he held down the Templar Grand Master.

Evie sliced the shroud from shoulders and pushed him over the stone slab that was resting in the middle of the floor. Jacob and Evie both stepped around the slab, the intention of murder sketched darkly across their faces.

"Shall we?" Evie asked mischievously, preparing herself for the final blow.

"Let's!" Jacob nodded.

In perfect synchronisation, both twins ran up to Starrick, kicking him in the legs and stabbing him in his side. As he leaned forward, they both sliced at his neck and Jacob caught the Grand Master, laying him on the floor as he began taking his last breath.

At the back of the room, Ruby and Boss were engaged in their own fight. Neither were paying attention to what was happening behind them. I.B flew around Ruby, trying to shout words of encouragement.

"You got this! You may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but you can do this!"

"I swear I'm going to kill that robot one day," Ruby mumbled out of breath, as she dodged one of Boss's punches.

Neither of them were backing down from the fight. Ruby was thankful that spending time with the Frye twins had helped her learn some new fighting techniques. Sweat beads were rolling down the side of her face.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked.

"For the same reasons we Templars started this war. For Power!" Boss shouted, lunging at her.

"You mean to tell me that the reason why there has been a war killing almost a billion of people, is you? The Templars? How sick are you all in the head! My family died in that war! And for what? Power?" Ruby shouted, her voice quivering as she landed a punch on Boss's jaw.

Boss grinned wickedly, wiping away blood from his lip.

"Yes, and it was an honour to initiate the order for the assassins' demise."

Ruby snapped, and she began fighting her enemy with new strength.

Towards the centre of the room, Jacob and Evie looked down at the dead body of Starrick. It was Jacob who spoke up first.

"I missed you," he simply said, looking up at his sister.

Evie sighed in relief.

"Me too. Would it be possible to continue where we left off?" she asked cautiously.

"I would love nothing more."

The twins smiled at each other, relieved that all the tension from the past few weeks was leaving them. A groan from the floor interrupted their small achievement. Henry sat up, clutching the side of his head.

"Henry!" Evie exclaimed, rushing to his side and helping him sit by resting one arm behind his back, and holding his hand.

"I came as soon as I could. I'll head back to the train now if you want. I hope I didn't jeopardise the mission again," he slowly began, looking around himself uncertain.

"Henry you saved it!" Evie told him, leaning towards him and planting a kiss on his lips.

"I think you belong out in the field, with me," she realised, turning a deep shade of scarlet.

Henry smiled at her and they sat on the floor, enjoying each other's company at last.

"I hate to ruin your little moment, but I think the fight is not completely over yet," Jacob interrupted them, as he watched Ruby.

Evie helped Henry up, walking to Jacob's side.

"We have to help her," Evie said, walking towards Ruby.

Jacob held out his arm and stopped her.

"This is her own fight. Let's wait first."

I.B weaved in between Boss, trying to distract the man from the fight. He became increasingly annoyed at the robot, swatting him away like a fly.

"You stupid robot. I've never liked you in the first place!" he shouted at him.

I.B gasped and latched himself onto Ruby's shoulder.

"Well I've decided to join the assassins, so you really don't need to worry about me anymore," he told Boss, blowing a raspberry.

"You dare to go against me? Your master?" Boss shouted back angrily, swinging a punch at Ruby.

"You're not my master anymore!" I.B proclaimed, flying behind Boss as Ruby ducked his punch.

He increased his flying speed and rammed himself into the back of Boss' right knee. Instinctively, his knee gave way, and he was left half kneeling on the floor.

Ruby seized her opportunity and raised her dagger, preparing to defeat her enemy.

"Any last words?" she asked, darkness glimmering in her eyes.

"We will always win," Boss spat at her, as the dagger pierced his heart.


Sorry guys, this chapter is sort of all over the place. 

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