Chapter 6

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Ruby raced through the streets of Lambeth, ignoring the Frye twins' and Henry's surprised remarks. She could already hear the frantic toots of I.B as she neared the station.

"That stupid robot. How did I miss him escaping the satchel?" Ruby mumbled to herself, pushing through the crowd that had formed at the station.

I.B was flying above the heads of everyone, clearly enjoying himself and tooting to his heart's content.

"What is that?" Evie asked surprised, pointing to the small robot after she caught up to Ruby.

"No time to explain," Ruby rapidly replied, rushing forward.

I.B noticed her and quickly started to fly away. Ruby, who had now grown accustomed to catching I.B, quickly plucked the robot from the air before he could fly any further.

"And where are you off to, might I ask?" she hissed, wanting to sink into the ground from all the eyes that were cast on her.

To her luck, the train that belonged to the twins arrived and she ran straight into one of the carts. To her disappointment, Henry, Evie and Jacob joined her and were impatiently waiting for answers. Ruby turned to everyone, slowly raising her hands.

"Before you explode at me with questions, let me explain."

"That is what we are waiting for," Henry gently said, putting her at ease.

There was something about the way he always talked, the gently lull of his voice and his rich accent, that always put her to rest and calmed her nerves.

"I am almost certain that you have been questioning how I have managed to obtain so much information about the shroud and possible locations. The reason for that, is this," Ruby started to explain, clutching I.B firmly between her hands and showing him to everyone.

The train started moving again, and silence was still in the cart.

"I.B is a device that knows a lot of information and is able to communicate that information with someone."

Ruby tried to explain what I.B was, as simple as she could make it. The stunt that I.B pulled could jeopardise the entire mission and where they were really from.

"He is basically a flying library, in a way."

Evie, Jacob and Henry were staring at the small robot, hundreds of questions etched on their faces. It was Henry, who finally spoke.

"Fascinating. Where was this device designed?"

"Here in England. I can't say any more, for his safety," Ruby answered him, hoping that her explanation was enough.

As long as she didn't tell him what time period I.B and herself were actually from, she could live with the fact that they now knew of I.B's existence.

"Well, I suppose if this I.B is able to provide us with information, we will move forward quite quickly in our mission to defeat Starrick and prevent him from obtaining the shroud," Evie said, a hint of excitement in her voice at the thought of having a talking library around her.

"I.B is able to provide us with as much information as we need, he just tends to misbehave a lot," Ruby said, looking at I.B with one eyebrow raised.

The small robot shut off, ignoring the world around him. Ruby shook her head and placed I.B back into her satchel.

"Also has quite the attitude."

"When do you think I.B will be able to function again?" Henry asked, curious about the little device.

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