Chapter 24

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Boss' spluttering echoed in the room, until everything was silent. I.B landed on Ruby's shoulder, and the young woman turned to the others.

Her legs gave way and she crumpled onto the floor, exhausted. Jacob, Evie and Henry rushed to her side.

"Are you alright?" Evie asked, helping Ruby back up onto her feet.

She nodded, breathing deeply.

"I killed someone," Ruby trailed off, looking at Boss' body.

She felt faint and tried to steady herself by leaning against Evie.

"Stay with me, Ruby. Jacob can you support her other side? We need to get out of here," Evie ordered, lightly slapping Ruby's cheek to help her gain full consciousness.

As everyone left the underground room, I.B stayed behind and lingered near Boss. The little robot looked at his past master and tooted disappointedly, ashamed that he served him without knowing who he really was.

Just as I.B was about to leave, he noticed a familiar looking object in Boss' pocket. He flew over to the pocket and tried to get out the object. Once he had finally managed to free the object, he glanced at it, curious. He had seen the cylindrically object somewhere before, but didn't know what it was exactly. I.B decided to take the object with him, by rolling it along the ground until he had caught up with the others.

Ruby had fainted and was now being carried by Jacob, who was not amused by the situation.

"We shouldn't have brought her along," he mumbled, as he lay her down inside a carriage.

"If we hadn't, she wouldn't have been able to save the future. She needs rest. We all weren't feeling our best after our first kill either, if I remember correctly," Evie mentioned.

She noticed Henry looking at the ground, and walked over to him.

"I overheard your conversation with Ruby the other day, and I have to apologise. If I had known about your past, I would not have treated you so harshly. Will you forgive me?" she asked, as Jacob climbed up to the driver's seat.

Henry smiled and stepped closer to Evie, cupping her cheek in his hand and kissing her.

"I forgive you, Miss Frye."

"Please, it's Evie," Evie whispered, closing her eyes and leaning her forehead against his.

They stood in silence, before Jacob cleared his throat.

"We should head back," he suggested.

Evie smiled and nodded, climbing into the carriage and watching over Ruby. Henry, who was still standing outside, noticed I.B rolling something towards him.

"I.B! What do you have there?"

"Something that I found in Boss' pocket. It might be useful for later," the little robot informed him.

Henry picked up the cylindrical object and held onto it, until they were safely on the train.

As Jacob set Ruby down on her bed, she woke up, looking around herself confused.

"What happened?"

"You fainted. Don't get up yet, otherwise Evie will kill you," Jacob warned her, forcing her to lie down.

Ruby obeyed his orders and let her head fall back onto the pillow. I.B was shut off, resting next to her. She smiled at the little robot.

"Who would have thought that we would end up getting along so well?" Ruby asked, chuckling.

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