Chapter 18

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Jacob and Ruby arrived at the Alhambra Music Hall. All the guests were wearing masks, including the staff members and the Blighters positioned around the building.

"We will need a mask to get in undetected," Jacob informed Ruby.

"I've gathered that much. Why don't we steal some from those two Blighters over there," Ruby suggested, pointing to the two men dressed in red below them.

"On it." Jacob grinned, before jumping off the roof and landing on both Blighters, ramming his blade into their necks.

He took their masks and hid their bodies in a nearby bush. Ruby used her rope launcher to get down from the roof and walked over to Jacob. He handed her a mask and the two began walking to the usher, waiting in line to get into the theatre.

"I still can't believe he killed that bird, and tried to kill those children. That man is insane!" Ruby hissed at Jacob, the previous events still burning fresh in her mind.

The usher began leading them into the theatre, and the pair got in without a problem.

"Now we have to find Roth. He is probably here somewhere," Jacob said, looking around the big theatre.

"He probably has some decoys standing around. We have to make sure that we go unnoticed in here. I don't exactly want to put on a show," Ruby mumbled.

"Why not? We are in a theatre, after all. Why not give everyone a little show?" He chuckled.

Ruby scoffed and shook her head.

"Thou artless beef-witted barnacle! Thou dares to deny a show by the impeccable Frye?" Jacob began, placing one hand on his heart and looking at Ruby, heartbroken.

Ruby rolled her eyes before laughing.

"You are unbelievable."

The two of them began searching the theatre, after Jacob finished displaying his creative insults. They found several men dressed as Roth, wearing the same masks as he was. Jacob managed to eliminate four of them, by poisoning a waitress' jug. Ruby and Jacob watched as each one of Roth's decoys dropped dead like flies.

"Damn it, that wasn't him either. Where could he be?" Jacob questioned himself, after taking the mask off the last decoy.

"He would have to be backstage somewhere. Why don't we split up? You go towards the left and I'll go towards the right with I.B. If I find him, I will send I.B and keep a watch on Roth," Ruby suggested, formulating a plan in her head.

"Alright. Be careful," Jacob warned, before running to his designated area.

"I will," Ruby called after him, before she also ran off.

She searched all the rooms backstage and looked in the wings, even going as far as to asking a few of the performers where Roth was.

Ruby was about to leave backstage, when she stopped in her tracks as she saw the real Roth walk on stage. He lifted up a cup and toasted to the audience.

"I hope you have enjoyed your evening so far, ladies and gentlemen. I know I have! Before our final act, I would like to toast to all the brave people. A toast to life and death! Toast them!" he shouted to several Blighters, who had joined him on stage.

Ruby's heart dropped as she suddenly recalled I.B's information on the theatre.

The theatre burnt down twice. Once before Roth bought it and once after his death.

She watched in horror as the Blighters took a swig out of their cups and breathed onto the torches that they were holding. Flames engulfed the stage, setting the entire theatre on fire.

Death's Breath | Assassin's Creed Syndicate Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें