Chapter 1

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The sound of military planes flying over the FPO base was loud enough to wake Ruby Mir out of her deep sleep. She groaned as she grabbed her pillow from underneath her head and lay it across her face, hoping to drown out the noise. To her despair, a pair of hands vigorously shook her.

"What is it?" she groaned, lifting her pillow off her face and opening one eye.

"Get up Ruby, today's the day!" A young man in his early twenties said, excitedly.

"Five more minutes, Jack. The past isn't going to run away from us anytime soon," Ruby muttered, rolling to her side.

"The past will definitely not change anytime soon if you keep on avoiding it," Jack said as a matter of fact, pulling on her sheets.

Ruby sat up and glared at Jack. She looked at the clock that was resting on her bedside table. 5 am.

"Five? I thought I would leave at Nine!" Ruby protested.

"Plans have changed. Get dressed now, Boss is expecting to see you at six."

"Fine," she grumbled, getting out of bed and stretching.

Ruby walked towards the tiny bathroom at the end of the room, trying hard not to wake up her fellow roommates. She closed the door behind her and turned on the lights, coming to view with her reflection in the mirror. Her black hair was hanging limp, falling down her back in disheveled waves. Her light brown eyes were slightly red at the edges, indicating that she did not get enough sleep. Ruby sighed at her appearance and started undressing herself. She stepped into the shower and let the warm water wake her up, in preparation for the task that was ahead of her.

Today was a very special day. The FPO, Future Peace Organisation, had finally finished preparing the TM1, a machine that allows a person to travel back in time. Ruby Mir was the first person to be selected to test the TM1, despite only being nineteen. Her task was to travel back to the year 1868 and correct the mistakes that caused her timeline such distress. War ravaged through the planet, causing mass destruction and bitter sorrow. The death toll was in the millions, with the numbers rising closer to one billion. It was the worst war planet earth had ever seen and it was nicknamed 'Death's Breath'. Ruby herself lost her entire family to the bombs that were dropped on her town. The FPO took her and countless of other children in, in hopes to train them for war and provide them with a safe haven. Hours of research and courtesy of video footage from a machine called the Animus, allowed the FPO to determine why war had broken out on the planet. Ruby's task was to travel back in time and fix the mistakes of the past. Her task was quite simple. Find the shroud of Eden and give it to the rightful owner- a man called Crawford Starrick. She did not receive further instructions regarding her task.

Ruby stepped out of the shower and dried her hair. She got dressed and glanced at herself in the mirror for the last time. Her countless freckles kissed her nose and cheeks, and Ruby had to smile. Out of everyone in the organisation, she was the only one whose face was filled with freckles. She did not mind, in fact, she felt that it gave her a sense of identity.

"Well. This is it. 1868 here I come!" She whispered to herself, turning off the light in the bathroom and walking out of the bedroom.

Following Jack's instructions, she arrived at six in the room where the TM1 stood. A small group of important people were gathered in the room. Everyone stopped talking when she entered and for the first time, she felt nervous about her mission.

"Ah, Ruby! You have arrived. As Jack might have mentioned, we decided to start your mission a few hours earlier," her boss said upon her arrival.

Her boss was a rather large man with a large scar across his face. He was the one that granted her the opportunity to use the TM1. His arms were crossed over his chest and he turned to her.

"We are currently checking the machine, making sure that is one hundred percent safe to use. So far, everything seems to be in order."

"That's good to hear. I don't exactly want to be stuck in the 19th century," Ruby said, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

Her boss laughed and turned back to the men checking over the machine.

"Master I have arrived!" A metallic voice rang throughout the room.

A small snow globe-like robot flew into the room, almost knocking Ruby in the head. She managed to duck just as it flew over her.

"I.B! Just in time. I need you to scan this," Boss greeted the small robot.

I.B was Boss' assistant. The robot was programmed to assist in any way possible, providing knowledge and suggestions to its master. The little white robot flew around the machine, scanning various areas.

"Everything is in order, Master."

"Excellent. Ruby, we shall be ready in a few minutes. I.B, you are free to roam the room."

I.B let out a celebratory toot before flying around the room. Jack entered the room and walked towards Ruby.

"Nervous?" he asked.

"That is a stupid question. Who in their right mind wouldn't be nervous?"

"Jack! How are you?" I.B shouted, flying over to the pair and almost knocking into Ruby again.

"I am good, I.B. Excited for the future," Jack answered, smiling at the robot.

I.B flew around Jack enthusiastically, tooting here and there, trying to purposefully knock into Ruby.

"Watch it, snow globe. What is your problem with me?" Ruby asked, getting annoyed at the constant ducking that she had to do.

I.B turned to her and made a sound that closely resembled someone blowing a raspberry. Ruby glared at the robot as it flew into one of the black satchels that were on the floor, hiding from her. Ever since I.B was created, she and the robot never got along. 

"Boss, I think your robot is programmed wrong. It clearly seems to have something against me," Ruby complained.

"I.B, be nice to Ruby. Ruby, we are ready," Boss informed her, not looking up from the screen of the machine.

Ruby swallowed hard and nodded. Countless of people had arrived in the room now, curious about the events that were about to happen.

"Alright, Rubes, this is it!" Jack said, hugging her.

"Wish me luck," she mumbled nervously, walking towards the large machine.

"Ladies and gentlemen. We are all about to witness the first person to travel back in time. May luck be on her side," Boss said loudly, grabbing one of the black satchels that were on the floor and handing it to Ruby.

Everyone in the room clapped and cheered as she placed the satchel over her shoulder. Boss held the glass door open for her and Ruby stepped onto the platform.

"Time travelling initiating in one minute," a robotic female voice from inside the machine said.

"Ruby, inside the satchel are a few things that you will need, along with the device that will bring you back into the TM1. While you are gone, we will use the data that the TM1 gives us to try and get the TM2 to work. Good luck, and remember, the entire world is relying on you to end this seemingly endless war," Boss said to her.

Ruby nodded.

"Thank you for the opportunity. I will not disappoint you," she replied, holding her head high.

"Time travelling initiating in five, four, three, two, one."

The last thing Ruby saw were the eyes of everyone in the room, before she felt like she was being sucked through a vacuum.


So what do you guys think? I myself don't know where I am going with this... Let's hope for the best! Comment on what you think!

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