Chapter 16

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The next few weeks passed in a blur. Jacob kept up his title of 'different ways to cause chaos to everyone living in England', and Evie spent most of her time trying to fix her brother's mistakes. Her latest task required her to fix the economy before it got out of hand.

"I swear my brother is nothing but trouble!" Evie sighed, letting herself fall down on Ruby's armchair one evening.

Ruby chuckled as she walked past Evie, her world briefly turning black and white.

"That's nothing new. At least this time I had no part in it."

"Yes, I know. Do you have any news on the shroud?"

Ruby shook her head sadly, and the world around her turned back to its original colour.

"No. I.B and I have found nothing. I am certain that it has to be somewhere in Buckingham palace. I would bet everything I have on it."

"Maybe Henry will have new information," Evie mumbled, standing back up.

"Make sure you give him a bouquet of red tulips when you ask him," Ruby chuckled, winking at Evie.

"Red tulips?" Evie asked, looking at Ruby with a confused expression.

Ruby shook her head, laughing. Evie left the younger woman and returned to her cart.

Ruby turned to I.B.

"Hey I.B, did you find anything?"

"On your family history? Not yet, sorry. It's taking slightly longer than usual."

"Well inform me the minute you find anything interesting," Ruby ordered the robot.

She was curious as to why she suddenly seemed to possess the unique sense that the assassins had.


"Henry! Are you alright?"

Henry blinked a few times, trying to figure out where he was. Evie was kneeling in front of him, looking very worried.

"Evie, they sent someone to move the architectural plans. Do you have them?" he asked groggily, trying to remember what happened.

He recalled a few Templars approaching him and knocking him out during their mission to find the architectural plans of Buckingham palace, after the Maharajah Duleep Singh informed them of their location.

"Did they hurt you?" Evie hurriedly asked, not caring about the plans.

Henry shook his head.

"Let's get out of here then."

"What about the plans?"

"They are lost."

Evie and Henry raced out of the sewers.

"Evie, I am so sorry," Henry apologised, guilt creeping up on him.

"Just concentrate on escaping," Evie ordered, as the pair ran to safety.

As soon as they were safe from the Templars and the Blighters roaming on the street, Evie spoke up.

"Get Miss Nightingale to look at your head. I will hurry and make sure that Starrick doesn't reach the vault before we do."

Henry winced as he pressed his hand against the side of his head. Blood decorated his palm. 

"I'll go speak with the Maharajah and see if there is a second set of plans," he informed her, walking away.

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