Chapter 9

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"I swear the universe is preventing me from finding anything shroud-related," Ruby sighed one morning.

It had been three days since she and Evie managed to secure proper tonics for the sick children. Since then, Ruby had been pouring over countless of books that Evie and Henry had given her. She longed to help Jacob, wanting to go outside and be free. I.B had been harassing her non-stop, mocking her on how far behind she was on her mission. It took all of Ruby's strength not to drop I.B into the Thames.

She dropped her head onto the book she was reading, wanting to cry. Her door flew open and Jacob walked in.

"Get up and join me, before your brain starts oozing out of your ears," he laughed, seeing the state she was in.

She didn't need to be told twice. Jumping up from her seat, she thanked her lucky stars that someone freed her from her misery. She grabbed a shut down I.B and stuffed him into her satchel.

"Where are we off to?" Ruby asked, as they jumped off the train.

"We are going to help someone with overthrowing Starrick's omnibus companies. Pearl Attaway is going to be our new ally. Once we meet her, that is," he added.

"You are already calling her an ally without having met her?" Ruby questioned him, as they began walking through the city of London.

"Her omnibus company is competing with Starrick's. Anyone willing to help overthrow him is considered an ally in my eyes," Jacob informed her, as they passed several houses and pubs.

"Aha. Does Evie know about your plans?"

"I might have mentioned it. Vaguely."

"Thought so. Just don't be angry at her when she has to fix up your mistakes again, like last time. Reviving London's transportation system might be a little more difficult than fixing the medicine market," Ruby warned him.

Jacob clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"Evie has melted your brains these past few days. Where is the fun Ruby?" he asked, taking off her hat and messing up her hair.

Ruby sighed and snatched her hat out of his hands and put it back on.

"I am just saying that we should be more careful. After seeing how sick Clara was, I realised that killing just one person can collapse the entire system."

"We won't be killing Miss Attaway. With her buses running, London might see a new transportation in the future," Jacob reassured her, as a snoring sound began emitting from her satchel.

Jacob looked at the satchel confused, but Ruby just rolled her eyes and took out the small robot.

"Making sounds when we are shut off now, are we?" she asked, looking at I.B.

The robot silenced immediately and Ruby sighed as she put him back into her satchel.

"I never get a break from that robot."

The pair walked along the streets, when they suddenly saw a large carriage toppled over on one side and in flames. A woman wearing a purple gown and her dark hair done into an up-do was wringing her hands, muttering to herself angrily.

Jacob approached the woman with Ruby.

"Miss Attaway?" Jacob asked.

Miss Attaway turned to him and sighed.

"Splendid, you are here to murder me," she accused, upon noticing him.

Jacob was taken aback by her accusation. As Miss Attaway was rummaging through her purse trying to find a few coins, Ruby stepped forward and stopped her.

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