Chapter 11

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"Oh yes, Mr Green. That's a fascinating idea. Oh, please, Mr Green, come and take a look at this book and stand oh-so-close to me, Mr Green."

Evie rolled her eyes as her brother teased her. Jacob, Evie and Ruby where standing a few feet away from the Monument, observing the large crowd that had gathered at the base. Since Henry was following up on some leads of his own, Jacob used the opportunity to tease his sister about the growing affection that was starting between her and Henry. Ruby awkwardly stood off to the side, not knowing what to do. She felt terrible and her nose did not stop running.

Evie simply stood there, rolling her eyes and waiting patiently for her brother to finish.

It did not seem that he would stop any time soon.

"What is it that father used to say?"

"Don't let personal feelings compromise the mission," Evie mumbled as she rolled her eyes, recalling the words that her father always chanted to himself.

Coming to Evie's rescue, Ruby decided to have her own say in the matter.

"Oh yes, Miss Attaway. That is a fascinating exposition on the matter. Oh, please, Miss Attaway, give me more missions that enable me to blow buses and people sky-high!" she mocked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Jacob turned to her.

"I do not!"

"As if. I've seen you do it. You've been chasing after that woman for days now, completing her requests. You have no right to tease Evie when you yourself aren't behaving any better. Now, what are we all doing here?" she asked, putting an end to the conversation.

The twins looked at each other, before Evie informed them of her mission.

"The clues that I found in the Kenway mansion lead me here. There must be something of importance hidden at the base of the Monument. I will investigate the area and see if I can find any more clues. Ruby, you are free to join me. I fear that my dear brother already has plans of his own," Evie informed Ruby, scouting the area.

"I have a feeling that Lucy Thorne has the same idea. She was at the Kenway mansion searching for clues as well," Ruby added.

Evie nodded, remembering their narrow escape from the Templar woman.

"As fascinating as this all is, I really should get going. Ta ta!" Jacob said, turning around and using his rope launcher to go to his next destination.

Evie sighed and shook her head.

"Will you be joining him or helping me?"

"Sorry Evie, I must get back on the train and research more. I am feeling a bit under the weather since my swim a few days ago," Ruby told her, blowing her nose.

"Get some rest. If Henry isn't busy, he will most likely be willing to help you with your research," Evie informed her, before jumping off the roof and into a cart full of hay.

"If I tell him you offered the opportunity, I am sure he will find it hard to refuse," Ruby mumbled, turning around and carefully climbing off the roof, using a ladder.

Her climbing skills were terrible and she certainly slowed the twins down without a rope launcher.

Ruby made her way back to the train, sitting down at Evie's desk and continuing her research. I.B was shut off, resting on Evie's pillow. The small robot was still polite, much to Ruby's surprise.

Flipping through the pages of her notebook, Ruby noticed that she had no information on Lucy Thorne. All she knew about the woman is that she was in competition with Evie on finding the shroud.

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