Chapter 13

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Because I've written so much, (The story is currently up to Chapter 21 so there might be 30 or so parts) I decided to publish 2 chapters instead of 1. Enjoy!

A sudden splash of cold water ripped Ruby out of her unconsciousness. Sitting up with her heart pounding and water dripping down her face, she faced Evie, who looked both worried and put back by Ruby's appearance.

"Goodness me, what happened to you?" Evie asked, placing down the jug that she had used, crossing her arms over her chest.

Ruby blinked at the bright light that filled her cart and winced as she placed a hand on the side of her throbbing head.

"Um. I think I participated in a drinking competition with some Rooks and won? But I feel that my title is short lived with this hangover," Ruby murmured, hissing in pain.

Evie shook her head, sighing.

"You have to get up. Sergeant Abberline wants to see us."

Ruby glanced at Evie, squinting at her.

"The police officer? I didn't do anything illegal last night, did I?"

"No. Apparently Jacob has gotten himself in trouble," Evie informed her, helping Ruby out of bed and throwing some clothes to her.

"Jacob getting himself into trouble? That's never happened before," Ruby said sarcastically, as she started putting on her Rook outfit.

Evie clicked her tongue and laughed.

"Yes, I suppose it is nothing new. However Abberline is quite confused, along with Mr. Dickens. Apparently he sent Jacob out on a job last night and he did not return. Instead, Abberline found him stealing from civilians. We have to go to the police station immediately," Evie told Ruby, as Ruby tied her yellow sash around her waist.

Nodding, Ruby headed out with Evie, trying to suppress the massive hangover that she had. The pair raced to the police station, where a lot of commotion was happening. Police officers were trying to suppress their fits of giggles and Charles Dickens was shaking his head. Ruby followed the elderly man's gaze to a cell.

"Oh that is sexy," she observed, as she began laughing.

Inside the cell was Jacob, who was merrily humming a tune to himself and dancing like a chicken- spinning in circles and jumping around.

A look of utter disappointment crossed Evie's face and she sat down with her head in her hands.

"I will never catch a break," she mumbled to herself.

"What's going on? Where the devil am I?" Jacob suddenly piped up from inside the cell.

Dickens walked over to Jacob.

"You've been arrested for theft, my boy," he answered, trying to not laugh.

"We convinced the officers that you are a lunatic and forgot to take your medication, so you are free to go," Ruby informed him, grinning like and idiot.

"I am not!" Jacob protested, as his cell door was opened.

"Let's go home," Evie ordered, standing up and leading Jacob out of the station.

"What on earth were you thinking? Stealing from civilians? I can't believe that you have stooped so low, Jacob Frye."

Jacob rolled his eyes as his sister began lecturing him. Ruby walked off to the side, trying to avoid Evie and her wrath.

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