They looked like they had questions and lots of them. Lexi looked to her dad with a silent plead on her face. "Lexi why don't you go to your room your probably tired" he said. "Ok" she said quietly going up the stairs.

The guys looked defeated "Has she said anything?" Matt asked me "Nothing she needs some time she'll come around" I said giving him a small smile. "Mr.Cortez I'm going to grab my bag then and head home" I said

"Okay thank you for staying to help" he said giving me a small hug. "Don't worry about it if you need me you guys have my number." I said grabbing my duffle bag that was behind the sofa.

Making sure I had my car keys I left to head home. There were some things I needed to finish. It had been 2 long days of waiting and silent prayers. Thank god she's okay but something's off I just don't know what.

Lexi's Point Of View

Everything felt odd out of place after leaving the hospital. I had been pronounced dead for exactly 27 minutes. By some miracle they were able to bring me back to life.

It was stupid of my part to try and drink my pain away but at that time I wasn't thinking anymore. I let my emotions take over thinking logically. The things that could have happened to me in the state I was in.

I had gotten alcohol poisoning that's why I has been coughing out blood. The blood was blocking my airways so no air was getting to my lungs. My stomach was pumped to get rid of most of the alcohol.

After that I was pretty much just on bed rest, Matt, Jace, Rosie and my dad would all take turns watching me. They all would try to talk to me but I just wasn't ready.

Not yet I didn't want to have to explain myself. When I walked in the door Jace and Matt looked at me. There face said they had questions that they wanted answered. I'm just not ready to give it to them.

The doctor had give me medicine for the stomach pain. Along with sleeping pills that will also help me with my depression. That's what the psychiatrist told my dad that I was a walking time bomb.

What a load of crap and no I'm not in denial either but still. A walking time bomb I just had to many things build up and the whole situation with Abel made me crack. Okay so maybe I was a "Walking Time Bomb".

Getting off my bed I went to the bathroom to take a long needed shower. After a hot shower I changed into a soft red plaid pj pant with a plain black shirt.

On my night stand next to my bed was a little silver tray. With a glass of a water and my sleeping pills. It was barley 8 pm but I really didn't want to do anything but sleep. Drinking the pills I got into bed making myself comfortable.

Within five minutes I felt drowsy and was consumed by sleep.

I woke up feeling refreshed like my body had needed a long rest. Looking at my night stand the digital clock read 11:37 am. My stomach started growling loudly patting my stomach, I got out of bed.

I but on some black socks to keep my feet warm before leaving my room. Waiting at the bottom of the stairs I heard arguing coming from the kitchen.

"How was I supposed to know that this would happen!" Matt yelled I recognized his voice immediately

"She's your sister Matthew if you would have been here more maybe this wouldn't have happened." My father yelled at him.

"So your blaming it on my because I wasnt around thats not fair and you know it dad" Matt yelled back

"Nothing's fair she almost died she was under your watch that night now she hasn't said more then three damn words!!" My father roared to Matt.

"You both need to calm down with you both yelling Lexi's going to end up waking up" Jace said cooly

Taking a deep breath I walked into the kitchen "It's a little late for that" I said. Silence fell as all eyes were on me walking to the cabinet I pulled out a glass cup. There eyes followed me waiting with questioning looks.

Opening the frigde I took out the pitcher of water and poured myself a glass of cold water. Leaning against the counter I waited for them to say something. My dad was the first one to speak "I didn't know you were awake"

"Kind of hard to stay awake with you two yelling at each other" I said shrugging my shoulders. "We didn't mean to wake you up we were just talking" Matt said a frown on his face.

"So you talk yelling at each other from the top of your lungs?" I said raising my eyebrow at him. My dad opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off. Taking a big sip of water I set the glass cup down on the counter.

Crossing my arms over my chest I looked my father in the eyes "You can't blame Matt its not fair dad" I said. "Lexi he was supposed to be watching you" my father fired back.

"I took off on by myself Matt has no control over my own actions. Your a hypocrite" I said. He looked taken back by that "How can I be a hypocrite do you know what I've been going through I almost lost you" he said anger in his voice.

"Your a hypocrite for telling Matt that he should have been around more. Your my dad you've been invovled in my life a much as he has. So you have no room to judge him" I said

His face softened "Lexi I know I haven't been the best father-" I cut him off "I know you haven't" I said. "Lexi give him a break this is hard on all of us" Matt said.

Looking at him "I'm not doubting that but at the end of the day neither of you can say anything about it. You both haven't been there for me" I said.

With that I walked out leaving them in kitchen going back to my room. In my room now I looked at the calendar it was Wednesday already The Red Dragon Meeting was for Friday.

Was I ready to go back to the clubhouse and face everybody? There had been rumors going around of how I was out for good. No I wasn't going down with out a fight.

They call me Havoc and I am A Viper Vixen.

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