Chp. 10 "Good Guys and Bad Guys"

Start from the beginning

“Why did they want to make sure you could survive anything?”

He looked at Max who had asked the previous question and laughed almost sarcastically, “Because… they want to make super soldiers. Soldiers who won’t die in battle, soldiers who can simply take over an entire country without one casualty… They want to control the world.”

This conversation was getting scarier and scarier the more we talked about it but I couldn’t stop listening.

“Luckily I was rescued by the P.B.S.B. before the F.P.S found a way to make the super soldiers. They had been having my back for several years so when they saw my credit card usages stop and nothing was going on they became suspicious…”

Wait… did he say several years? I looked at Blaine, realizing that he talked a lot more fluently and had an adult aura about him… could it be…?

I questioned, “Blaine… how old are you?”

His eyes snapped to me, knowing that I had hit the nail on the head, “Well, I’m 40 years old but my powers emerged when I was 17.”

I felt my heart begin to hammer in my chest, knowing that what I was looking at now was a man much older than he looked. “So you don’t age.”

He shrugged, “No, I have rapid cell regeneration, just like you. Our bodies repair themselves every time something inside dies or gets damaged… so you’ll technically never grow old.”

I felt as if I had been kicked in the stomach, like the world form under my feet had been ripped out from under me. I slumped over next to Blaine feeling as if I was about to throw up, knowing now that I would watch everyone I love waste away and die while I stayed young.

It wasn’t fair.

I shook my head, “This… this isn’t real… I didn’t ask for this…”

I looked up at Max who looked even more shocked than me as he stared at me in wonderment. All along he had thought that him and I would be best friends forever and share the same ability. Then come to find out there was a much bigger plan coming into view that I wasn’t sure we were ready for.

There was a war out there, a disease that was making its way through the U.S., and they needed me to find them.

Then I thought about my parents, wondering how and if they knew about this and who I was going to be whenever I grew up. Did they know I was going to be different? Did they have super powers like me and just hid them from me?

Or was there a bigger picture about my family as well?

The thoughts of my parents lying to me scared me, making me think that maybe they weren’t my real parents after all.

Was it possible that I was adopted? Or possible that my real parents put me into the custody of the P.B.S.B. who gave me to the Brocks so I could be safe?

Or could my real parents already be dead?

There was so much shit going through my mind I couldn’t even think straight, and then I remembered I needed to head to Avery’s to finish the stupid project. I looked at Blaine who was standing and facing us, looking as if he was ready to head out.

I shook my head, “I don’t know what to do.”

Blaine looked at me and sighed, “Look, I’ll contact one of my friends from the P.B.S.B. and give them your name, they’ll find you if they need you. Besides… I need to… renew my visitation.”

I looked at him in confusion, “What do I do until then?”

He looked at me long and hard before responding, “Stay hidden, don’t show anyone who you really are Andy, you’re too important to lose to the F.P.S.”

I shook my head, “Why’s that?”

“Because Andy, you’re the Catalyst.”

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