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  • Dedicated to The United States of America

All at once Lee stood aghast,

At the bloody battle that had just passed,

"It's all me, I'm at fault",

"Why did I send them on that bloody assault?".

The battle lasted for three long days,

How do you describe, what can you say?

Many a men died in that place,

On Satan's bloody, murderous chase.

The Union being outnumbered to start,

Gave it their all through every part.

In the end so many had died,

Yet they who did not, cried.

Brother fought with brother,

But yet again, another

Friend fought against friend,

But remained friends to the end.

Many limbs were taken from men,

But what else could be done then?

They followed their leaders commands,

Marching over and around the lands.

On that hill many men fell,

Many more than words can tell.

They stood strong on their ground,

As men raced forward at a leap and a bound.

Over and over they charged that hill,

But stronger yet was the Union's will.

Ball after ball was fired fast,

Finally it ended, ended at last.

The cannons firing down the line,

The sun beams made the metal gleam and shine.

The Union stood strong to their ground,

As all around blew battles sound.

Pickett had lost his whole brigade,

He was the last from their fatal raid.

15000 men were sent,

13000 lives--to death--were lent.

This is just a meager taste,

Of the charges made, some with haste.

The Confederacy fell,

But the Union couldn't feel swell.

Who can feel swell?

When facing the story the bodies tell.

Greed has once again led to death,

Many a men's, one, last, breath.

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