Chapter 10-Sullie

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Allie's POV
"What do you need to talk about Suho?" I asked. "Do you want to be my girlfriend....?" he asked. I stood their smiling at him. I went on my tip-toes, although I didn't have to do a lot of that, and pecked him on the lips. That's my first kiss! "Does that answer your question?" I asked. "Yes!" He yells. "Good," I said, "that was my first kiss." "I'm glad that I took it then," he smiled. We walked out of the room holding hands. Lay and Summer are standing their waiting for us. "Well aren't you giddy now, Summer," I said to her through our mind link. "Same to you," she said back through mind link. "Let me guess, Lay?" I questioned. "Yup," she replied, "Suho?" "Yup," I answered. We smiled at each other. "What are you two smiling about?" Suho asked. "Nothing," we hummed. We walked to the entrance of the school.

"Want to grab something to eat before you guys go home?" Lay asked. "Sure," we replied. "There's a cafe down the street," Suho said, "I think it's called Heart Blossom Cafe." Thanks AverageUnic0rn for helping with the name of the cafe. The girls stiffen at the name. "That's the cafe all our companies own," I said mind linked with Summer. "Yes," she replied back. "What are we gonna do?" I asked. She shrugged. "Are you okay, Allie?" Suho asked. "Yeah," I smiled. "Isn't that cafe a little expensive?" I asked. "It's fine," Suho replied. He put his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I sighed and rested my head on him. When we got close the cafe, I raised my head from Suho's arm. Shoot! It's Vivian.

"Hello, how may I help- young ma-"I shook my head at her. She nodded. That was close. "How may I help you today?" She asked. "Table for four," Suho replied. "Right this way," she said and led us to a booth. I heard Summer whisper to Vivian, "tell the other workers to treat us like they don't know us and are just costumers." Vivian nodded. "Can I take your orders," she said. "Can I have a red velvet cheesecake and a cotton candy frappe," I said. "Can I have an original cheesecake and a caramel frappe," Summer said. "Can I have a original cheesecake and a latte," Lay said. "Can I have a strawberry cheesecake and a pumpkin spice latte," Suho said. "Coming right up!" Vivian said. "First of all how do you know the menu?" Lay questioned, "second of all why are you drinking cold drinks in the winter?" "To answer the first one," Summer replied, "our parents have taken us here a few times on special occasions." "And for the second one," Allie said, "why not?" We talked for a little bit until the food came. We continued talking.

"How's it like being the princess of war?" Suho asked me. "Well..." I said, "I lead our army into war. So if we get into a war, I'll probably have to miss a couple school days until the war ends." "Have you been to Silverwilde?" I asked. "Yeah," Suho replied, "I saw a girl with long hair in a ponytail, but I couldn't see her face because she had a mask on." "That was me," I said. "Really?!" he said, "why were you wearing a mask?" "I was most likely training the trainees," I said, "I do that so they can focus on training." "What do you mean?" He asks. "The trainees always looked at her back then when she first started," Summer said out of nowhere, "mainly because they were near her age." "How old were you when you became the leader of the army?" Suho asked. "Eight," I said. "Eight! Why so young?" He asked. "My powers and I also used to train with the adults when I was 3," I said. Ring ring. I felt my watch vibrate. "Hello," I said, "mhm, mhm, mhm, what! I'm on my way." "I have to go!" I yelled getting up, "bye Suho." I pecked him on the cheek and left. I ran out of the place and called Alina.

"Alina! Go to Silverwilde!" I said, "Something bad happened! I'll explain later! Just go!" "What happened?" Summer said through mind link. "Something bad happened at Silverwilde," I replied, "just stay with Lay and Suho." "Ok," she said. "Make sure he doesn't go to Silverwilde," I said, "what I'm about to do is only something Alina and I can handle."

Suho's POV
What happened? "Where did she go?" I asked Summer. "Something came up,"  she replied. "What happened?!" I said. "She didn't tell me," Summer replied, "all she told me was that she went back to Silverwilde." "We have to go help her!" I yelled. "We can't Suho," she said, "it's only something she and Alina can handle and she doesn't want you to get hurt." What does she mean by that? "How can only they handle what they're about to do?" Lay asked. "I'm gonna tell you guys something that no one else knows about them other than the royals," Summer said. Lay and I nodded. "Long ago, when were about 3 and Allie first started training with the adults," she said.

Flash back of the girls as kids

Allie and the other girls were playing around in the Vamulux castle. While they were running around, Alina some how tripped. Allie went to go help her up. When Alina got up, the two were soon knocked out.

They woke up in a dimly lit room. "I see you girls are finally awake," a man said in a corner. Allie stood up and took out her sword. She was well trained in sword wilding already. "Who are you?!" She yelled. "Call me Laurence," the man said. A knock was heard on the door. "Come in!" Laurence yelled. A girl with long black hair came in. "Jess," Laurence said, "could you do me a favor?" "Sure," the girl said. Laurence walked up to her and whispered something into the girl's ear. "I'm Jessica but you can call me Jess. You girls want to play?" She asks. "We're smarter than you think!" Allie and Alina yelled at the same time. "I didn't want to do this but..." Jessica mumbled. Laurence and Jessica put on gas masks. The girls were knocked out again.

They woke up in a white room. Tied to chairs. There were tubes connected to them. Jessica walks in. "Hello girls!" she greets. "What are you going to do with us?!?!" Allie yelled. "You'll see..." Jessica said. A red fluid started flowing through the tubes connected to Allie. A green fluid started flowing through the tubes connected to Alina. They screamed in when the fluid reached them and got into them. The fluids so stop flow and the girls are calm. Too calm. They broke away from the knots and ripped the tubes off of themselves. Allie strangled Jessica and walked out with Alina behind her. They went back home. When they returned to Vamulux, everyone was relief that they were back.

End of flask back

"They went through so much," Suho whispered. "From that day on," Summer said, "Allie has never genuinely smiled to anyone and Alina never showed any feelings other than to Allie." "That all stopped when we met you guys," she smiled, "when Allie saw you Suho, I could tell she going back her cheerful self and when Alina saw Karma she actually started showing feelings." "I'm glad I could make her happy again," I smiled. But Allie, why didn't you ever tell me this when we could've gotten to know each other. "There's a pro to that incident, though," Summer said. "Which would be?" Lay asked. "They gain new powers," she replied, "Allie has pyrokinesis and Alina has the power to control life." "We should probably get going," I suggested. We all got up and headed out. Summer went home to the other girls and we went home to the other guys. So Allie has been keeping her happiness all locked up. I'm just glad I didn't have to see that side of her. That would make my heart ache.

Sorry it took so long to update this. I might post a Christmas chapter for this. I don't know yet. Tell me if you want me to.

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