Happy Storyline: Chapter 20-Reunited

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The first year after the war, Karma and Suho were having a hard time of not having their girlfriends with them. They had eating disorders and were depressed. Everyone tried their best to keep them from doing dumb things. They couldn't even visit the girls because the doctors said they need space and time to heal. If they ever did feel lonely, they would look at the gems that the girls gave them or they'd hang out with their friends and siblings.

The second year was better in someway. The girls were able to move better and could use their phones. They would text, call, and video chat. The guys started feeling more gleeful and ate a lot more food than they used to.

When Allie and Alina have finally fully recovered, they didn't tell their friends. They planned on surprising their mates by going to their house, because they have the keys to it, and sleep next to them so when they wake up, they'll see them.

You also might be wondering what the chemical on the arrows did to them. Well it turns out, it brought out their wolf side. All the princes and princesses of Vamulux are werewolves. Yes, all of them. The chemical would've killed any normal magics user, but to them, it simply just disturbed their inner wolf and caused it to shut down for a bit.

The Night Before

Suho and the other had planned on going to visit the girls the next morning since the doctors said it was fine to. Before Suho went to bed, he set up an alarm for him to wake up.

Allie and Alina snuck into the house and went to their mates room.

When Allie walks into the room, she quietly sets her stuff down and got onto Suho's bed. She wraps her arms around his waist, snuggled into his bare chest, and fell asleep.

The next morning, Suho woke to his alarm going off. After he turned it off, he tried to sit up, but was pulled down by a pair of arms that's were wrapped around his waist. He looked down and saw Allie. I thought she was still recovering and how did she get wolf ears?! He thought. He then smiled when the thought of her being came to his mind. He laid back down and hugged her too. He stared at her face, admiring her features. She never changed. Then her eyes fluttered open. They smiled at each other.

"Welcome back, Beautiful," Suho said, "I missed you." "I missed you too," she said. "You wanted to surprise me, didn't you?" She nodded. "You never told me you were a werewolf," Suho said. "Well, after I came to Earth, my inner wolf went to sleep so I kind of forgot about it," she smiled sheepishly. "You look even cuter with those ears," he cooed, "they look so fluffy." "You want to touch them?" He nodded. "Go ahead," she tilted head a little so that he could touch them. "They're really soft and fluffy," he said as he stopped, "let's go back to sleep. You must be tired." Allie nodded and they went back to sleep.

They woke up to a crash coming downstairs. Allie sat up and went into her wolf form before running out. When she got downstairs, she saw a maroon wolf wondering around the kitchen. She jumped at it. Suho finally came down.

"What ha- woah... where did that wolf come from?" He asked. Allie got off of the wolf and shifted back to her human form. "It's just, Jay," she said, "she was messing around for some reason." The other wolf shifted into its human form to reveal Jay. "Are all of you werewolves?!" Suho exclaimed. The two nodded. "Why were you in here making loud noises?" Allie asked. "I thought my senses were attacking up because you were here," Jay answered. "Because I'm the alpha?" "Yup!" "You're an alpha?!" Suho exclaimed. "Yup! Why else do you think I'm the leader of this group?" She asked. "Alpha!" They turned around and saw the rest of the girls coming down. "Hey guys!" They hugged. "You guys should probably go back to calling me by my actual name instead of alpha," Allie said. Then Alina came down.

"How's our other alpha doing?" Jay asked. "I'm doing great," Alina answered. "Are Chen and Sehun an alpha too?" Suho asked. "Not that we know of," Allie said, "we have to wait until he's a freshman. You have to be a specific age to know whether you're an alpha, beta, or omega. If I'm correct, that would be this year." Then a knock on the door was heard. "I'll get it," Allie said as she walked over to the door. She opened it and saw the siblings.

"Noona/Unnie!" They exclaimed as they hugged her. "I thought you were still recovering," Chen stated. "Well, we recovered early and decided to surprise you guys," Allie said. Then Alina walked in. "Noona/Unnie!" They exclaimed as they hugged her. They all went inside and sat down in the living room.

"What are your ranks?" Alina asked. "Sehun, Kai, and I are alphas while the rest are betas," Chen said. "At least we don't have to deal with omegas and their heats," Allie said. All of the werewolves shuddered. "What did we miss at school?" Allie asked. "We won all of our strings and dance competitions," Suki said, "our scores were either 95 or up." "For strings, our highest was 97 and for dance, it was 98," Summer explained. "For actual academic things, you guys already knew everything," Jay said. "Aw sweet!" Alina and Allie cheered.

"Now that we got all of the school out of the way, I want to talk about something else," Allie said as she stared at their siblings. "What's that?" Karma asked. "Oh no..." the siblings started standing up and were about to run when Allie stopped. "You twelve come back here and sit your ass down, right now!" Allie and Alina yelled. The siblings groaned. "Stand next to each other," Alina said. "We want to see how tall y'all are now," Allie said. They stood up. "Waaaaaah! Sehun and Kai are so tall!" Alina stated. "The rest of you are as tall as Suho and me," Allie said, "but you're taller than Alina so that's something." Everyone started laughing.

"I'm hungry," all the werewolves said. "Ooooo! You want to go do some good old hunting?" Jay suggested. "Yeah!" all the werewolves cheered. "We're gonna head out then," Ayleen said, "see y'all later." "Wait! What are we supposed to do in the mean time?" Lay asked. "Brother and sister bonding time!" Summer cheered. "Have fun!" Jay, Kai, Allie, and Chen exclaimed. Then all of the werewolves left.

"What do we do now?" Harue asked. "Did you guys know your boyfriends were werewolves?" Yoosung asked. "We didn't figure out until last week," Yoojin answered. "How?" Karma asked. "Well, Junhi over here got curious as of why all that shit happened to Alina and Allie," Kaori said, "Chen explained everything to us." "So what did happen to them?" Suho asked. "Chen didn't know," Junhi said, "Allie nor their dad never told him about it, so you'll have to wait until they get back." Then as if on cue, Chen and Allie came out of nowhere and had their hands on Junhi's and Suho's shoulders.

"What did me miss?" They asked. Junhi and Suho got startled and screamed. Everyone started laughing. "Stop scaring us!" They exclaimed. "That was my first time in two years," Allie pouted. "Awww, Allie, it's okay," Suho said, "Chen over here, would scare us whenever he had the chance." "Chen!" Allie yelled. "W-what?" Chen had a really scared look on his face. "I've never been so proud of you!" Allie exclaimed, "come here!" Chen came over and got pulled into a hug by Allie. "Awww~ brother and sister moment," everyone cooed.

They talked for awhile and then had a fun day together. They went to the park, had ice cream, and did many other things. After they finished everything, they went home and went to bed.

Here's the happy storyline! I hope you enjoyed it! I'll be posting the sad one right after this. Look out for that! Have a nice day! Byeeeeee!

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