Chapter 1-First Day of School Part One

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Author's POV
"Allie wake up~" Summer said, gently shaking Allie. Allie's eyes stick out from under the blanket and does a little cute face to Summer to make her leave. She just wants to sleep. "Aaaaawww~~~" Summer cooed. "ALLIE, GET UP AND WAKE UP JAY AND SUKI!!" Alina shouts from downstairs. "UGH!! Fine," Allie says, "now get out of my room Summer."

Allie gets ready for school. It's their first day at their new school. After Allie finishes getting ready, she grabbed her dagger and goes to Jay's room. "WAKE UP JAY!!" Allie yelled. "I don't wanna," Jay groaned while pulling her blanket of her bed. "Do you want me to burn your laptop?" Allie threatened. With that Jay was up getting ready. Allie goes to Suki's room. "Wake up suki," Allie said while bursting through the door. "No," Suki replied. "I'll break the frame of the picture you have of your pug~," Allie threatened. Suki, not want to have another broken frame, bolted out of her bed and started get ready school.

She heads downstairs into the kitchen. She saw that Alina was in her seat eating her foods. A/N: I purposely put foods Summer was eating while on her phone. Ayleen was just sitting eating food while just staring off into space. Allie walks over to the cabinets and grab a cup and get the milk in the fridge. She pours the milk into the cup and chugs it down. Jay and Suki finally came down and made their breakfast. Both have cereal and milk. Allie gets her stuff from her room and heads to the door. She puts her boots on and slides her dagger in the boot. Sooner or later the others join. Everyone gets into Jay's car and heads off to school. They got to the school. The minute they walk through the door, they were almost ran over by a bunch of girls. Fortunately, they moved to the side just in time.

Allie's POV
I look up to see what the girls were crowding around. I soon regret doing that. When I looked up, I see a guy with an angelic smile, smiling at me. I looked away blushing. Why was he staring at me though? I thought. Anyway.... We head to the office to get our schedule.

Suho's POV
Why are these girls always crowding around us? UGH! I'm looking around and I see a girl staring at me with a small smile. Then she notices that I'll looking at her and looks away blushing. I smile at how cute she's acting. That causes the girls to scream. WHY!?!? Just as if on cue, the bell rings.

Baby don't cry tonight
odumi godhigo namyon
Baby don't cry tonight
opsotdon iri dwel goya

-exo baby don't cry

This is not a normal bell. No. When the bell rings, it's a song and not the regular old ding ding ding. We head to class and took our seats.

Girls' POV
They walk out of the office and Alina says, "yay! We have the same classes." We walk towards ELA with Mr. Henry. "There you guys are," they were greeted by a guy, guessing it's the teacher, "I thought you guys got lost." They walk into the room and everyone started whispering. "Class! We have new student. Please introduce yourselves," Mr. Henry said. "I'm Allie! Nice to meet you!" Allie greeted with a smile that made people coo. "Im Alina," Alina said slightly hiding behind Allie. "Hoi! I'm Ayleen," Ayleen greeted cheerfully. "Hi! I'm Summer," Summer said happily. "I'm Suki," Suki said. "Hey! I'm Jay." Jay greeted.

"You guys can sit down anywhere," Mr. Henry said. The girls just stood there not knowing where to sit. "Alright, I guess I'll have to give you your seats," he sighed, "Allie sit next to Suho. Alina sit next to Karma. Ayleen sit next to Chanyeol. Summer sit next to Lay. Suki sit next Haruka. Jay sit next to Yoosung." Yells were heard left and right.

A/N: WOOO!!!! First chapter!!! YEHET!!!!

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