Darkness of the Forests of Thought

ابدأ من البداية

"Oh, I'll be back," I said with confidence and a laugh. "It's not like I could find anything pretty like that anywhere else, eh?" I took a few steps back towards the door. "I do write this crap, so don't flip out around me, aight?"

"-_- Eh!!" Deadmau5 responded in a slightly racist Canadian accent, even though he was also Canadian. XD

I held out a peace sign as I walked out of the house and went back to my regular place, real life. This fanfiction needs to get written by someone. :P I closed the door.

"That guy..." Kitcha laughed.

"Demiguy," Skrillex said.

"Demiboy, whatever," Kitcha rolled his eyes a little. "Still uses the label 'guy'. :P" He was close with Ice as well. Not like make-out close, but they hung out.

Deadmau5 glared at Skrillex. That dude was a lot more close with Ice than anyone else. Well, when ze came around... Mau5 knew the Youtuber liked to keep some distance from them so they could still have their own relationships, but he didn't like the idea of Skril being Ice's babe instead of his. The age difference between them was creepy, anyways... (LOL) Ice was a weird kid, and ze mainly had the advantage from being the author.

The progressive house producer was snapped back to reality like a SnapBack on Spodermen's Microsoft-Paint-drawn head when Kitcha pointed out Endigo's bowl of noodles hadn't been eaten.

"Where could he be?" Kitcha said, referencing the "Bob the Builder, Can We Fix It?" game my little bro has. He shook his lovely, purple hair in slow motion. It made him kind of look like a Scene kid, but in a cute way instead of the neon-grown-out-Justin-Bieber-haircut way that many actual Scene guys do.

Kitcha took out his phone and texted Endigo.

"Wh3r3 u @ man??!¡¡!!"

He got a reply after a few minutes. "F**kin' lost."

"U b3ing 3m0 0r actually l0st? :/"

"I walked too far! XP Did u lose some keys on ur phone?"

"Y3ah, I spill3d curry 0n it wh3n I was drunk, it wr3ck3d a f3w. XD U n33d m3 t0 find y0u, th0ugh??"

"Yeah, I have no idea which way to go. :/"

"K. U pr0bably tri3d t0 g0 t0 th3 park, right?"

"Yep. U been stalking me? ;D"

"L0L." Kitcha closed his phone and took a house key. He interrupted the Skrillmau5 make out session to tell Deadmau5 he was going to find Endigo and headed out.


Deadmau5 touched Skrillex's hair as he kissed the shorter guy. He decided to talk to him about his feeeelings.

"*sigh* Do you like Ice more than me?" He was embarrassed he even asked the question, and couldn't look at his cute boyfriend.

The magnificent Skril looked him lovingly in the eye.

"Babe, ze's 15. You're a music producer. I have way more in common with you anyways, and Ice hardly even has a life. :P" He didn't want to insult his younger babe, and he only said it to make Deadmau5 feel better or some stuff.

I appeared in front of the long-haired guy. "I know it's true, but don't be a hoe, babe, -_-" I slapped him lightly. He whined a little and put a hand over his cheek. Mau5 was ready to guard his babe from any more of the emo kid's attacks, but I pushed the shawty's hand away from his face and kissed the spot he was covering.

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