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Niall was sitting on the floor next to Drew watching whatever Drew wanted to watch on Netflix. Niall didn't like any of the kid shows now-a-days because he thought they were stupid but he did anything for Drew. Drew was intently watching the telly. Niall was watching the telly but he really wasn't paying any attention to what was playing. Drew looks at Niall and points to the telly.

" Da!" Drew says. Niall smiles.

" What's up bub?" Niall says. Drew giggles and crawls onto Niall's lap. Drew uses Niall's hands to help himself stand on Niall's thighs. Drew smiles at Niall.

" Da!" Drew exclaims.

" Yes, hello. Look at you, my little baby." Niall says. Niall places Drew on his feet next to Niall's legs.

" Alright, bub, I want you to walk over to your giraffe. Can you do that for daddy?" Niall says. Drew hasn't yet taken his first steps yet, and Niall is actually really worried. Harry tells him he shouldn't worry, but he can't help be worried because Drew is 11 months should have at least taken his first step by now.

Drew looks at Niall with a big smile on his face. Then Drew shakes his head. Niall lets out a sigh. He pulls Drew to his chest and Drew lets out giggles.

" Why can't you do one thing for your daddy?" Niall asks. Drew just continues to let out giggles. Niall looks at his son in his arms. He takes this moment to notice how much Drew looks like Liam.

Drew had Liam's nose, Liam's mouth, Liam's eye shape, Liam's hair color. The only thing Drew had of Niall was Drew had bright blue eyes. And that made Niall upset. No, not that Drew looked more like Liam than him.

He was upset that Drew reminded Niall how much he misses Liam.

Drew noticed how sad Niall became so Drew placed his small hands on Niall's cheeks. Drew smiles at his dad. Niall smiles at Drew.

" What are you doing baby boy?" Niall asks. Drew just smiles at Niall. Niall places a kiss on Drew's nose.

" I love you Drew." Niall says. Drew smiles and places a sloppy kiss on Niall's nose. Niall smiles.

Niall's smile disappeared when the front door slammed close. Drew flinched at the loud noise and collapsed into Niall's chest. Niall protectively wraps his arms around Drew. Niall looks up to see Jace standing over him with his arms crossed and big frown on his face. Niall tries his best to smile.

" Hi Jace." Niall says. Jace doesn't speak and Niall cowards down. Jace looks down at Drew in Niall's arms.

" Go put him down for a nap. Now." Jace says.

" But he already took his nap today. If he takes another one he'll be up all night and I-"

" Do it now or else." Jace says.

" But I-"

" Now." Jace cuts Niall off of speaking. Niall quickly nods his head and stands up with Drew protectively in his arms. Niall scurries to the his and Drew's room and quietly closes the door. Niall looks at Drew in his arms. Drew had tears in his eyes. Niall presses a kiss onto Drew's forehead.

" Please don't cry DJ. You need to be a strong big boy for daddy. Can you do that for daddy?" Niall says. Drew looks up at Niall and nods his head. Niall smiles.

" Good," Niall places Drew on the ground near his toys," Now please stay here with your toys and be quiet. You can do that for daddy, right?"

Drew nods his head. Niall kisses the top of Drew's forehead.

" Good boy. Daddy will try his best to be right back." Niall says. Niall walks out of his room and back to where Jace was standing. Jace was standing with his arms open.

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