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It was the end of the school year. Niall and Harry were moving out of their dorm, with the help from their mothers' and Jace, and into the Lilo apartment. Their mothers' were taking their furniture but the boys would bring their belongings into the apartment.

So that means Niall, Harry, Jace and their mothers' were at the Lilo apartment setting things up. Well, Niall wasn't doing anything because he was complaining about his stomach to Liam.

And that makes Niall 36 weeks, give or take a few days. So he's ready to have baby anytime.

" I don't want my stomach anymore." Niall complains. Liam rolls his eyes because he's tired of Niall complaining about his stomach.

" You'll have baby soon and you won't have anymore stomach." Liam says. Harry and Jace were holding the baby's portable crib.

" Niall, where do you want the crib?" Harry asks. Niall looks at the two boys carrying his baby's crib.

" Put it in Liam's room with everything else." Niall says.

" Anywhere specific?" Harry asks. Niall shakes his head. Harry nods his head and walks up the small set of stairs to Liam's room. Anne and Maura walk down the stairs and walk to Niall.

" We have the furniture packed in the car and all of your things are in here. So, we're on our way home." Maura says.

" Okay mum." Niall says. Maura bends down and kisses Niall's forehead.

" I love you." Maura says.

" I love you too mum." Niall says.

" Bye Niall." Anne says. Niall smiles at Anne.

" Bye Mama Twist." Niall says. Anne and Maura walk out of the apartment. Harry, Louis, and Jace walk down the stairs. Jace walks over to Niall and slams his lips onto Niall's lips. Niall smiles into the kiss. The other three just roll their eyes at the two. Jace pulls apart and smiles at Niall.

" Everything is set up for baby." Jace says.

" Thank you Jace." Niall says.

" Do you want to check the room out?" Jace asks.

" I'll do that myself." Niall says. Jace helps Niall stand up from the couch. Niall walks his way up towards Liam's room. He walks into the room and smiles.

Even though it's still Liam's room so it still looks like before, but half the room was covered in baby's things. Niall was so glad Liam wanted to raise baby with him.

Niall walks over to the portable crib full of stuffed animals. He places one hand on the crib and his other hand on his stomach. He rubbed small circles into his stomach. Niall felt baby kick hard at his hand. Niall smiles at his stomach.

" I'm going to be so happy to have you baby. Papa and I are ready for you. Your room is set up. Sadly your room is also daddy's and papa's room, but that's because we ran out of room. We still have everything for you though. Don't you worry. Papa and I will love you so much, just like all of your Uncles will love you too." Niall says. As Niall finished his last statement, he felt a contraction hit his lower stomach. His hand fell to his lower stomach.

" Stop freaking me out baby." Niall says. He's had multiple Braxton Hicks and he doesn't know if this will be the real thing.

Niall felt a pain that he hasn't felt from the other times he's had Braxton Hicks. Niall let out a groan.

" I guess you're ready for us too." Niall says bending over in pain. Niall let out a deep breath. He needs to get downstairs somehow.

Niall tried to step forward, but it hurt too much to walk. Niall had to hold onto the portable crib to regain his balance. He has to call Liam so he can get him downstairs.

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