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Niall was laying on his bed in his dorm room. He was lazily scrolling through his phone. Harry and Louis were watching a movie on Harry's laptop on Harry's bed. Liam was sitting on Niall's and Harry's couch in their dorm room. Liam and Niall were supposed to be talking about their baby, but Niall wasn't feeling it.

" So, when can we talk about baby?" Liam asks looking at Niall.

" When I feel like it." Niall says. Liam rolls his eyes.

" You never are going to feel like it, are you." Liam says.

" Nope." Niall says. Liam lets out a sigh.

" We have to start talking about baby. Next week is 7 months and we don't have a game plan on what to do with baby." Liam says.

" We still have two months. We'll talk about it eventually." Niall says.

" We should talk about it now." Liam says.

" I don't care. I'm not talking about it now." Niall says. Harry pauses the movie he and Louis were watching. He couldn't help but eavesdrop the two arguing.

" Niall, you should talk about baby now. You would rather be prepared than not know anything at all. It's just like with the baby names." Harry says. Niall lets out a sigh. Harry was right and Niall hates when Harry is right.

" I really hate when you're right." Niall says. Harry smiles at Niall. Niall rolls his eyes. Louis pecks Harry's lips. Niall looks at Liam.

" So, what are we doing about baby then?" Niall asks. Niall doesn't really want to talk about baby right now, but the two really needed to talk about baby.

" When is the due date again?" Liam asks. He moves closer to Niall and sits on Niall's bed.

" The end of May." Niall says.

" And school ends in the middle of May. Are you planning on going home when school ends?" Liam says.

" Duh. I want to be in the comfort of my own home." Niall says.

" I don't think that's the best idea. I won't be there when you go in labour. Maybe you should stay in London at my apartment." Liam says. Niall lets out a laugh.

" Good fucking joke Liam. I'm not staying here in London." Niall says.

" But when you go into labour, we'll be too far away from each other. You'll be in your hometown and I'll be in my hometown and you can't just drive three hours from your hometown to London and pick me up on the way. It's too crazy." Liam says. Niall rolls his eyes. Liam did have a point, but Niall didn't want to agree with him.

" Niall, listen to Liam. He brings up a very good point." Harry says. Niall looks angrily at Harry.

" Just watch your fucking movie." Niall snaps.

" You have to listen, Niall. You can't go back home just as baby would coming around the corner. It's not fair to Liam and you'd would be in so much pain driving everywhere. It's just much more safer for you and Liam to stay under the same roof." Harry says.

" And be under the same roof for the first couple months of when baby is born." Liam says. Niall angrily crosses his arms above his stomach and rolls his eyes.

" I guess." Niall says angrily.

" It's best for everyone." Liam says.

" You'll have to let your mum know about you staying here for the summer." Harry says.

" She still has to come and get my things." Niall says.

" And you still need to let her know." Harry says. Niall rolls his eyes. He looks at Liam.

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