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Chapter 6

Patricia Kelly

What should I wear??!!

I claw my way through my closet, looking for something decent to wear for the date Justin was taking me on. It was a date, right? He never specified but when boys say, 'Hang out' it means a date, no?

Ding Dong!

No! Is that Justin already? No it's too early! He said 7:00 PM not 5:00 PM?!

I start to panic, and my heart starts to race, as I rush to the front door.

"Yeah?" I yell, opening the door.

"Hey Babe!" cries a voice outside, jumping into my house.

I scream loudly but the person that had just jumped in, covers my mouth with a cloth.

"Stop! It's just me!" shrieks a voice through gritted teeth.

Me? Who's me??

I try to remove the cloth off my mouth, but I fail.

"Sammie! It's Sammie! I came to help you prepare for your date!" Sammie groans, removing the cloth off my mouth once she's made sure I stopped yelling.

"Oh... Hey Sammie... You could have warned me it was you!" I roll my eyes at her, placing my hands on my hips.

"I just did!" she bickers back.

"I meant before!"

"Whatever! Come on! I want to help you prepare for your date! I even brought you a couple of dresses to choose from." She hands me like ten dresses and stalks upstairs. "By the way... Is there anything I can eat over there?" She points to the kitchen to the right.

"I thought you came to help me... not eat?" I drop the dresses on the couch.

"Yeah I did... But I'm hungry too! I'm human, you know! I need food!" she yells, over exaggerating.

"Since when are you human?" I tease her, laughing.

"Ha ha... Hilarious... You see I'm rolling all over the floor because I'm laughing so hard..." she says sarcastically.

"Gee I didn't think it was that funny..." I say almost to myself, examining the dresses on the couch.

There are eight dresses in total. One dress catches my attention almost immediately. It's a strapless red dress with a plunging V-neck covered in blinding sparkles. It comes up about knee-high and Sam had brought some matching high-heels and bag. Never in a million years would I wear something so slutty.

"Um... No, I don't really like this one..." I move the dress to the other side of the couch, then start examinating the next dress.

The next dress is dark purple. This time the dress covers all the arms and is about calf-high. In the middle, where the chest is supposed to be, there is a diamond-shaped hole.

"No, it won't look good on you... Next!" Sammie suggests as she walks back into the living room. She tosses the dress on top of the red dress.

The next dress is light green. It has spaghetti straps the size of my pinkie. It is about knee-high. The dress has a few diamond beads on the bottom of the dress and on the top. Where the waist is, there's a gold ribbon.

"This one!" I shriek, almost fangirling, and scaring Sam to death. I hop off the couch, and squeeze into the dress. I walk up to the mirror and observe myself. I take a bobby pin off a table beside the mirror and place it so all my hair cascades onto my left shoulder.

"You look pretty!" exclaims Sammie, behind me.

"Thank you, Sam!" I turn around to hug her.

"You're welcome! But we need to do your makeup and hair now!" She pulls out her makeup bag, which she brings everywhere, and starts applying the thick makeup on my eyes, on my cheeks and everywhere possible to have makeup on.

"Don't forget the heels!" She pushes some light green heels, with a few gold diamonds on the toes, in front of my feet. I step into them, just as the doorbell rings.

"What time is it?" I whip my head in the direction of a clock on the wall.

6:30 PM

"Oh my god! It's probably him!" I scream, running to the door.

. . .

Justin Carter

I try to maintain calm, even though I'm very excited about this date. I don't know if Pattie considers this a date because I had said 'hang out' but that's obviously not what I meant. I like her more than a friend. That's why I even talked to her at The Bar in the first place. She was gorgeous, after all. I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell. I hear a small gasp and some running feet. She pulls open the door and I swear she was even prettier than when I saw her at The Bar.

"Justin! You're here!" She blushes under all the makeup she is wearing. I had to admit she maybe had a bit too much makeup for my liking, but she was still beautiful.

"Hey Pattie. Fine evening I would say, wouldn't you?" I say casually as I step forward to embrace her into a hug.

God, she even smells nice!

"Very lovely, indeed," she says in a British accent. "So where are we going?"

"I was thinking a movie?" When I think movie, I imagine a racing movie or something with violence involved. There's one that had just come out that I've been wanting to watch ever since I saw the preview.

Patricia makes a disappointed face but immediately covers it up. "We're not going to watch that race movie... Are we?"

I frown slightly. "Yes...?"

Her face falls into a frown. "Oh." She tries to smile happily. "Then let's go."

When we arrive, a lot of people are waiting in line for their tickets. "We'll probably be waiting a bit," I say without looking at Patricia. I could feel her disappointment flowing off her body. She tries looking happy but she's constantly checking her watch.

"So," I turn to Patricia. "What are your hobbies?"

"Reading and watching Netflix," Pattie instantly replies. "You?"

"Sleeping," I pause in the middle of my sentence. "with girls." I chuckle at my own joke and tilt my head to watch Pattie's reaction.

She makes a face of disgust. "Was that supposed to be a joke? It wasn't funny." She crosses her arms over her chest and stares straight ahead.

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