Secret Disease

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Chapter 4

Sam Brooks

I open my eyes, only to feel pain in my stomach and head. I wince, slightly.

"How are you feeling, Sam?" asks a nurse just as she's putting a needle in a bottle with some clear liquid.

"I'm alright... Just a bit of a head ache..." I reply, rubbing my head and temples with my hands. I sit up in my bed, only feeling a bigger pain than before.

"Hey... Take it easy!" The nurse rushes to my side, helping me lie back down on my pillow. She grabs the needle from the table beside my hospital bed. She lifts part of my shirt, on my arms, up. She positiones the needle on my bare arm.

"Is it going to hurt? I'm kind of scared of needles..." I look away briskly, preparing to wince in case the needle does hurt.

"It shouldn't, but yeah if you look away then you should be fine." She smiles sweetly, inserting the needle.

The nurse was right-It hadn't hurt at all. She pokes around the drawer beside my bed, until she finds a Scooby-Doo band-aid. "Scooby-Doo?" she mimicks Scooby's voice and laughs.

I laugh with her and nod. "So what happened?" I ask a little bit confused. I remembered being with Natsu and then Natsu howling then black.

"We are doing some tests right now," stats the nurse. "Since your dog was howling, your parents rushed into the bathroom and brought you here." The nurse glances to some machines on top of my hospital bed. "But you seem to be okay now," she concludes.

A man with some papers rush into the room, clumsily. "Sam Brooks?" he yells, out of breath due to the fact that he must have been runnung to get here.

"Yeah?" I hesitate, panic beginning to rise in the pit of my stomach.

"You're 15?" he demands sternly.

I nod.

His eyes widen and he jams the papers in the nurse's hand. Before he leaves, I'm pretty sure he mutters something under his breath, like, "Dumb teens!"

"What's going on?" I ask as I turn towards the nurse and her eyes are scanning the paper with her eyes wide in fear and shock.

"Have you been sexually active...?" she whispers.

"No," I reply instantly. Then a flashback of going to The Bar and waking up with Enrique in his bed comes to mind. "Oh... A-a-actually y-yes..." I stutter.

The nurse's eyes flicker to my stomach, which kind of hurts still.

"What?" I turn my head towards my stomach and try connecting what my sexual life has anything to do with my stomach. My eyes widen and my mouth parts slightly. "I'm not..." I start but can't seem to finish.

"You're pregnant..." whispers the nurse. She turns her back on me as I try to hold back my tears. "Let's tell your parents..." the nurse stats.

"No! This is a secret in between you and me. Got it?" I shout sternly.

The nurse nods.


"Sammie!" yells a voice at the door.

I blink away my tears and put on a fake smile. "Mom!" I yell enthusiastically. My eyes flicker to the man beside my mom. "Dad!"

My dad waves at me and smiles. "How is she nurse? Will she be okay?" asks Dad.

I try to make eye contact with the nurse but she seems to be ignoring me. "Yes. She was just tired when she blacked-out. She needs rest-lots of it," she explains, then pushes past my parents.

Dad and Mom watch her go with a confused look on their face.

. . .

Patricia Kelly

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I feel my phone vibrate in my pcoket. I take ot out and check the caller ID, Sammie's Momma. I slide my finger on the answer button.

"Hello?" I greet.

"Patricia! Sammie's in the hospital!!" yells a frantic voice on the other end of the phone.

My pulse quickens and my knees almost buckle. I feel as if I can't breath.


I take my dad's car and begin driving to the hospital. When I finally arrive, I search for Sammie's room but the people behind the desk say I'm not related to her and won't let me pass.

"She's my best friend!" I yell.

"Not family," the guy behind the counter says. "You can't pass."

"Just wait and see!" I whip around on my heels and call Sammie's mom to come amd get me.

A few minutes later, I see her and run towards her but the guy stops me. "You can't pass remember?" he hisses, obviously annoyed.

"Of course she can! She's with me!" Sammie's mom yells sternly, glaring at him with such hatred, that he finally lets me pass. I stick my tongue out at him when I pass by him, a flicker of triumph in my eyes. He looks away, but I can tell he's angry.

"Pattie, I'm happy you're here!" exclaims Sammie's mom. "Sam just woke up and the nurse says she was really tired and that's why she fainted," she explains, a look of concern and relief on her face. Mrs. Brooks leads me towards the room where Sammie is.

Sammie's dad is in the doorway already, so I just push past him and jump onto Sammie's hospital bed. "Sammie!!" I yell happily. "You're okay right?" I demand, giggling.

"Yeah, of course!" She seems happy when she says it, but being her best friend since forever, I can tell she looks distressed.

I wonder how her parents can't even tell!

Sammie's dad's phone rings, and he leaves with Sammie's mom behind him.

"Sammie, what is actually wrong?" I demand, the smile on my face vanishes and so does Sammie's for a second before recomposing herself.

"Nothing-" Sammie starts.

"The truth!" I hiss, interrupting her.

"Fine! I'm pregnant!" Sammie shouts angrily.

I gape at her, surprised and confused. "What?" Is the only words that manage to come out of my mouth.

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