Not Even Close (Romanoff/Maximoff x reader)

Comenzar desde el principio

"Hundred bucks says she's the one dating Clint and covering it up," Tony offered as soon as you were out the door. "She reacted too easily when we said it was Nat."

"I'll take that bet," Sam eagerly stood, his hands scrounging around in his pockets until he came up with the funds. Steve threw his hands up in defeat, shocked that Sam would partake in a bet that could just be easily settled by asking the question, but now he couldn't help but be a little curious to see who Sam would choose.

"Okay, Sam, who do you think it is?"

Sam leaned forward against the table, staring at his friend intently with a glimmer of hope in his eyes as he spoke, "honestly, Cap, I think it's you, and her little friend there just gave us a fantastic cover-up performance."

"Wow," Steve groaned with a rub of his hand over his eyes, "you guys really are clueless."


Steve was the only teammate who knew that you, Wanda and Nat were together, and up to this point he had been remarkable in keeping it to himself. Even he wouldn't have known if not for a mission that had separated the three of you, making your panic unmistakable and giving away your true feelings for the two women.

It wasn't that you were so intent on keeping it a secret, but you believed that your relationship wasn't the topic for anyone's conversation and no one had ever pushed any of you until now. In an effort to get Nat to slip up and give away the answer to their bet, which had now grown exponentially as more and more teammates heard about it, Tony had set up a team game night with one activity in mind.

"Spin the bottle, Tony? How old are you?" Nat grimaced, scooping up the empty beer bottle from the floor to give it a closer inspection.

"I'm as young as you need me to be, sweetheart. Why? Is there some reason that would keep you from joining us? Guilt, maybe?" he prodded. "A sense of inappropriateness? Possessiveness even?"

"Don't know what you're talking about," she lied, "let's go, Stark. On your knees."

"Yes! Now it's a party," he laughed with an excited clap of his hands. "Get in the circle, everyone. Things are about to get weird."

Taking your seat between Natasha and Tony, you leaned over to him as he reached out to take the first spin, lowering your voice and pressing your lips to his ear with a gentle graze that caused a shiver in him that made the bottle shake under his hand. "Looking forward to it," you whispered before returning to your seat to watch.

"You're terrible," Nat said with a shoulder nudge and a smile, "that's why I love you."

The bottle left Tony's fingers and spun towards its first target, slowing against the carpet of the lounge floor until it came to a halt with it neck pointing directly at karma.

"Tony has to kiss Steve!" you squealed in delight. "I knew it!"

"I am not kissing Steve!"

"Hey, now, Stark," you scolded, "before we sat down you said that there were no passes. Now get your lips over there, lover boy."

"Fine," he grumbled, crawling slowly across the circle towards a wide-eyed Captain who looked as if he had never seen such terror before. When he reached his goal it felt like time had stopped and this moment would never be over; his head tipped and bobbed uncomfortably, trying to figure out how to do this with the least amount of pain and coming up with nothing that sounded even remotely tolerable. "Cheek," he commanded, waiting for Steve to turn his head enough to finally place the kiss that barely even made contact.

"Awww," Wanda cooed, "we can all say we were there for their first one."

"Shut up," Tony barked, wiping his lips on his sleeve. "Rogers, spin the damn thing. Worst idea of my life," he continued under his breath, "shoulda known."

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