"Aw, that's so sad!" Lissa pouted. "You know, I should have a talk with him! Let him know what an awesome girl he's missing out on!"

I frantically waved my hands in front of me. "NO! Nonononono! Don't! Besides, I'm not really into him anymore," I sighed. "In fact... I've actually been thinking more about Frederick."

"I KNEW IT!" Anna yelled, immediately shrinking back down sheepishly. "Sumia, that's great that you're moving on! You know, Chrom does allow relationships so nothing's holding you back from confessing your feelings to him."

I blush "Y-you know...maybe I will! Yeah! I will!" I set down a book and head out the door.


"It's fightin' time, Chrom!" I yelled as I approached my blue-haired rival.

Chrom sighed. "As much as I'd love to fight, I can't right now. I'm busy."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, right. 'Busy'. Are you sure you're not waiting for your girlfriend?" I groaned.

Chrom's face flushed red. "G-GIRLFRIEND?! ANNA'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!!"

I raised an eyebrow ."I never said anything about Anna..." I smirked. Got 'em. "Are you hiding something?"

"T-that's not what I-! I didn't mean-! Grrrrrr! Nothing's going on! I just assumed that you were referring to her!" 


He grit his teeth "Grrr, all right! That's it! Draw your weapon! I'm going to make you regret those words!" He unsheathed his sword.

"All right that's what I'm talking about!"


"Ah, good day Anna. How does the day fair you?" I greeted the brown-haired tactician.

Anna looked up from her book. "Oh, Lady Emmeryn! Good day to you. I'm doing just fine, thank you." She replies.

I giggled. "Oh Anna, you know that you needn't call me by my formal name. You are my future sister-in-law after all!"

Anna blushed. "W-well, my apologies, Milady, but... Well, it just doesn't seem right," she said. "It'd be a bit odd if someone hears me call you by your normal name. It may raise suspicions. But I assure you that once Chrom and I are married, I'll start calling you by your normal name."

I laughed and pulled up a seat next to her. "Very well. Speaking of which, why are you here alone in the library? It seems to me that you're always with my brother, is everything alright?"

"Oh, everything is fine, he's just out training with some of the Shepherds," she sighed. "I can't spend every waking moment with the love of my life. Don't get the wrong idea! I love him to death! But we also need some alone time every once and a while. That, and suspicions that we are a couple are high, so we're just waiting it out until they die down." 

I nodded. "I understand." I really wish she would become more comfortable with me... It pains me to watch them hide their love. "Well, we will probably have to scold him later because my brother is bound to break something!"

Anna laughed. "Yeah, probably. I swear he's such an idiot sometimes! But he's also my idiot." Her face turned red. "My apologies, Milady, I meant no offense!"

"Haha! Chrom certainly picked one with personality, that's for sure!" I chuckled. "You are not afraid to speak your mind, that is just the kind of woman I knew Chrom needed. If he was to marry a noble, they would just be a decoration by his side. But you...you have a backbone. He picked the right woman."

"Th-thank you milady! I promise that I'll take care of Chrom and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid... or at least try."

Chrom, you better hold on to this woman. "Anna, you certainly are a dream come true. I, of course, never thought Chrom would get married. But now that he is, I see why he changed his mind." 

"You are too kind today, Milady! I'm not sure how to react to your compliments!"

"How about you make me Auntie Emm and we call it a even?" 

Anna's blush was as red as it could be. "M-milady!"

"Haha! I'm only jesting, my dear future sister. You certainly are cute!" I regained my composure. "But there's actually a reason why I wanted to see you. I have a request to make, if I may?"

"Of course."

"Do you sing?"

"W-well, sort of... But only to Chrom! Nobody else!" she squeaked. "Even when I do, he has to convince me for hours to do it! I'm not even that good..."

"That's all I need. I would like to teach you the lullaby I used to sing to Chrom and Lissa when they were younger. I thought that when you and my brother have children, you would want to sing it to them," I sighed. "But also, if Chrom is ever going through a rough patch in his life, you can sing it to him. It always calms him down."

Anna nodded at me. "I would be honored to learn it, Milady. Just sing it and I'll catch on!"

"Thank you."


"Ah, Frederick! I wanted to congratulate you for finally deciding to court Sumia!" Chrom smiled at me.

I bowed to him. "Thank you, Milord. I am honored to have your blessing."

"It was bound to happen someday! I guess Anna knew what she was doing when she kept on pairing you two up on the battlefield!" he laughed. "I never question her judgment so I'll just leave her to whatever happens in her mind."

I chuckled. "It's almost as if she's playing matchmaker with us! But I am not going to complain if this is what she intended. I plan to give up my life if it means protecting Sumia, though we are only courting. Er, but your well being shall always be my main priority, even though I have a lover!"

Chrom shook his head. "No, I understand that you want to protect Sumia, she is your love after all." He says.

"Thank you, Milord. That means more to me than you may know."

"I'm sure Anna will be more than happy to keep you two paired up," he said.

I smiled. "That, I'm sure of, as well. It's strange how our tactician is. I wonder if she has someone close to her heart?"

Chrom quickly turned away. "Y-yeah that certainly a question! Well, I have to go now! See you later, Frederick!" He stuttered, running off.

That was odd...

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