Hui Qing scoffed lightly listening to their childish conversation.

"Good time, they said? Those bunches of idiot does not know what exactly happened. If they were at her place, certainly they would already bawl their eyes out by now. Hmph!" She muttered irritatingly. Hui Qing no longer interested listening to their jealous rants and hurriedly took her leave.


By the time Hui Qing arrived, she heard a loud cheering voice and saw Shu Xiaofan was hugging her maid joyfully. She had no idea why she suddenly felt angry upon seeing them holding to each others. Even though they both were girls, she could not stand seeing the two being so intimate. Hui Qing dashed forwards then quickly separated the duo.

They looked surprised for a while before Shu Xiaofan greeted her with a smile, "Hui Qing, you are here."

"You girls are so loud early in the morning. What is the commotion?"

Shu Xiaofan's lips spread even wider and said, "Meng Yue heard from Shaoqing that the Emperor's favourite dish is roasted duck! Coincidentally, I already planned on presenting a dish related to duck to him." She let out an audible happy sigh and continued, "Haii, I could not be any happier!"

"Talk about luck!" Hui Qing as well surprised at the coincidence. "Then, we shall not waste our time here. Let us head to the kitchen now."

They nodded and hurriedly went to the kitchen to get everything ready.


Ruolan has been spending his time in the kitchen for two weeks and tomorrow will be his final day. The day was still early and he already began to miss the place. The moment he learned how to cook, the kitchen has been his most favourite place since then.

Although he was happy for Shaoqing to expose the Emperor's most favourite dish, yet for some reason he felt a little worry about tomorrow's duel. Perhaps it was because due to the fact that his rival was the Emperor's most trusted and excellent servant.

He was told by Shaoqing that Rong Heng has been serving the King for a long time. Thus, he knew what Xuan Yu dislikes and likes more than anyone else in the palace. Just thinking about how knowledgeable Rong Heng towards the King made him lost all his spirit at once.

Meanwhile, Ruolan did not notice Hui Qing has been observing him for a while. The beauty went to him then suddenly smacked his back; straightaway surprised him from his deep thought. He was perplexed and exclaimed, "What was that for?"

"You looked like you have lost in your own world so I brought you back to our world." The beauty replied leisurely and then saw him sighing softly. Hui Qing tilted her head, "Something bothering you?"

He paused for a while then shook his head, "Nothing."

Hui Qing was not that slow to not notice the small lies. She crossed her arms under her chest then said briefly, "Fine. You may go now."

Ruolan looked confused, "Go? Where?"

"You looked like you have so many things running in your mind. Go clear your head, silly!" Hui Qing said fiercely then smacked Ruolan's back again.

He yelped to the sudden attack. "What about the others? I cannot leave all the works to all of you—"

"What? Are you looking down on us? It is not like we cannot do simple work like chopping onions or whatever it is— Gah! Just go already!" Hui Qing hurriedly pushed Ruolan out from the kitchen and immediately shut the door.

Meng Yue and Shaoqing just got back from fetching water and saw Hui Qing stood alone at the door. "Where is Lady Shu?" Meng Yue asked.

"Nature call." Hui Qing replied shortly.

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