Start from the beginning

"What is she doing?" whispered Lumb.

"She's trying to win over a mass of frightened people," said Eldridge, leaning closer to Lumb. "These aren't hardened soldiers, they're builders...they're dreamers."

"We have 69 squadrons, each consisting of three robots. Each squadron will be tasked with bringing down a specified target, consisting of one of the giant alien beasts currently roaming the American west. Only one robot from each squadron will be piloted by an actual human.  This lead pilot will make tactical decisions while the other two robots assist them using an advanced A.I. programmed with a variety of battlefield situations. The lead pilot's robot will be equipped with a quantum vibration tech  sword to deliver a killing blow to the primary target. Although each squadron will operate independently, all 69 squadrons will launch simultaneously in a sweeping, surprise attack. Some of the people in this room will become pilots. The rest will be tasked with keeping our equipment in peak condition and repairing damaged robots if they're forced to return from the battlefield."

The woman who asked the first question seemed dissatisfied. She spoke into the microphone again. Lumin looked at Kanazawa.

"Again, she asks who is in charge," said Kanazawa.

Lumin stepped closer to the mic. "Well, I'm really not—"

"This brave woman—Lumin Mira—is in full command of this operation," said Eldridge, stepping up to the mic beside her. "I'm merely providing the hardware and the means. Kengi Sato and Ryan Lumb will serve as her advisors."

Lumin tried not to look too surprised to hear she was in charge. She didn't want to lose what little confidence people had in her. "Yes. That's correct. I'll be leading the team into battle."

"One need only look at Miss Mira's performance in the tournament to see she is the most capable person among us to lead the offensive. She has the strength, intelligence and will to deliver us to victory," said Eldridge.

Measured applause filled the room. Lumin tried not to dwell on her own personal doubts and move the meeting forward. "Thank you. please...who has a question?" She pointed into the crowd.

"General Mira, how much damage have the aliens caused? Are they killing people?" asked a frightened man.

"I wouldn't exactly call myself a gen—"

Sato grabbed the microphone. "The aliens have shown no interest in attacking  anything organic...unless provoked. That doesn't mean they aren't incredibly destructive. We estimate the invaders have already confiscated 30% of the world's nuclear weapons. They're targeting missile silos and stockpiles the world over, and destroying military bases along the way. No conventional means seem capable of stopping their assault."

"Confiscated?" asked Richard, standing up. "Where are the invaders taking the nukes they steal?"

"We're not yet sure," said Eldridge.

A brunette woman stood up. "What exactly are we up against?"

"The big, green nasty ones all look the same...we're calling them the Cloned Biological Ground-based Behemoths or CBGBs for short," Interrupted Lumin.

"Come on, really?" whispered Lumb. "She just made that up."

Sato addressed the crowd again. "All vehicles that approach the green colossi are immediately destroyed with physical attacks. Long range  missile strikes are being intercepted by the red—"

"We named the red UFOs the OMFUG: Omnidirectional Mechanized Flight-enabled Unmanned Gunships," interrupted Lumin.

"I see what you're doing, Lumin!" yelled Skip from the audience. He turned to Katerina. "I had no idea she was such a punk rock fan." Katerina  returned a confused look and a shrug.

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