Coming of Age Party

Start from the beginning

    She grabbed her towel and water bottle and left me standing there. Her head was down as she climbed the stairs, leaving as quickly as possible.


"Stop it, mother! Dad, tell her I look fine!" I shouted, trying to get away from my mother, who was trying to fix every single detail about me. By the way, I was right about the cold shower.

"He's right, dear. Plus, his party's about to start and people are already starting to arrive," By people, I knew my father meant the girls my mother had invited.

    My mother had invited girls from every pack near us to help me find my mate. But I already found her. Of course, they don't know that. No one does except Starlet and I. And probably Leilah. I can't tell them, or else they'll ask why we aren't happily together and I'd have to explain why.

"Oh, I still have to finish the salsa! Xander, go help finish setting up outside. Jason, go entertain the guests while Xander and I finish the final preparations for the party," my mother said hurriedly, pushing me down the stairs.

    I almost fell, but regained my balance and walked outside into the backyard.

"Hey, happy birthday," Trevor acknowledged before going back to blowing up balloons. 

     I nodded in his direction as a thank you and continued to walk around the backyard, putting tablecloths on all the tables. Our backyard was huge, and didn't even have a fence. It led straight into the forest.

     As I got closer to the deck where my parents, the betas and their family and I would be seated, I heard the faintest of singing. I stopped what I was doing and traced the voice to the deck. 

      Starlet was there, singing softly while setting up the table. She was dressed differently. She wore an off-the-shoulder black shirt with the words 'Why Live Just to Die?' on it, and grey ripped skinny jeans along with black combat boots.

   She fluttered around, placing a candle here and sprinkling confetti there. She had her back to me the entire time, which I didn't mind.

    When she finished setting up the tables, she let out a deep sigh and turned around. I don't know why, but I hid. I hid and continued to watch her as she went to the table I had abandoned and straightened the tablecloth. 

    She hung streamers on the big oak tree in the middle of the backyard, then bent over and dug in a box for more decorations.

      'It wouldn't be hard for you to do her right now,' my wolf suggested. Horny bastard.

     She pulled out a sign and asked Trevor to help her hang it. Once they had it up, she took a few steps back and admired her work.

     The backyard looked amazing. It had a royal blue base color, and since that's my favourite, I liked it. There were hundress of black, royal blue, and silver streamers all over the backyard, and hung in the middle of the oak tree was a sign that said 'Happy 17th, Xander,' with the signatures and notes of pretty much everyone in the pack on it. Starlet's stood out to me immediately.

    'Happy bday. Hope you and your mate live happily ever after as Alpha and Luna-*Star*' I don't know why, but that note made me a little angry. Well, more like made my wolf angry.

     'How can she expect us to live happily ever after when you've messed everything up?' He growled at me.

 "Well done, Starlet! Can you and Trevor help me bring out the rest of the food?" My mother asked, carrying a large bowl of salsa out and setting it on a huge table.

Starlet (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now