Lover's Antics

Começar do início

"OW! Be careful, would you?" Chrom whined as I roughly tied a bandage around his arm.

I gave him the death glare. That stopped his whining. "Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not exactly a healer!" I sighed. "Which you probably should've seen for these wounds!" I secured the bandage.

He rolled his eyes. "'Wounds' are not exactly what I'd call these! They are just scrapes that I got being foolish when training! Ah!" he hissed as I applied some salve to a scratch on his shoulder.

"Foolish indeed! Honestly, having me do this just so no one laughs at you for falling into a thorn bush while training! You're just lucky no one saw you, and that I love you so much to do this!" I groaned. I've been blushing the whole time I've been treating him. He had removed his shirt so that I can get to his cuts. "Also, so that I can have an excuse to see you shirtless!" Dammit, why did I just say that?!

He smirked at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Oh really, now? Well, maybe the reason why I didn't go to a healer is that I like your touch better. Even though you're tying that bandage a bit too tight! Ah!" he gasped as I sinched a bandage around his waist. I decided to have a little mercy on him and loosen the bandage.

I finished up applying the salve and bandages and look him down. "Yep, you're good. No one will notice as long as you keep your shirt on. Well, save for the bandage on your right arm." I kissed his nose and began to clean up the mess.

Before I could put anything away, Chrom wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. My heart stopped for a second and my mind screamed at me to pull away and yell at him for such a move, but I found myself easing into the kiss.

He released me and grabbed his shirt. "Thanks for taking care of me, babe. I love you." He pulled on his shirt and exited the tent.

I stared at the exit for at least a minute. "Did he just call me babe?!"


She's doing it again...

We were in our tent, relaxing for the night. I was sitting on the bed, polishing my sword, and Anna was sitting at the table, happily reading a book and quietly humming. I glared at her.

"Stop it."

Anna turned to me, confused. "Excuse me?"

"Stop it."

"Stop what?" she asked, slowly closing her book?

I got up and walked over to her, grabbing her face in my hands. "Stop doing things that make me want to kiss you!"

Her face flushed. "W-wha-?" she managed before I silenced her with my lips.


I sat on the bed, fidgeting with my hands. How can he love me? There are so many other women in the world that he could have chosen and yet...he chose me. Not only that, but I'm just some amnesiac commoner and he's the prince! What will people say when we make the announcement?

Just then, the man who occupied my thoughts entered the tent. Chrom smiled at me and begins to undo his cape. "Hey, Anna. How was your day?" he asks me, stepping behind the privacy screen to change clothes.

Fire Emblem Awakening: My StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora