Squad Goals (11)

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Such a peaceful sleep, well, it was a peaceful sleep. I felt something touch my lips, and an unfamiliar scent filled my nostrils, so my first instinct was to fuck a bitch up, even though I didn't know who it was.

I sat straight up with a gasp and flung my fist forward with as much force as my weak body could muster, which must have been a lot because I sent whoever was just there flying across the room.

I crack my eyes open, vision still blurry and stretch, then blink a few times to allow my vision to readjust completely. Sasuke and Deidara are staring at me wide eyed and Karin is unconscious in the corner. I guess it was her I knocked away.

"Hey Sasuke, you still being an idiot?" I ask him as I attempt to stand, but wavered just slightly. Dei rushed to me and wrapped an arm around my rib cage keeping me up. I peck his cheek lovingly and we begin walking toward Sasuke.

"Hn. No." He mutters and turns his face toward the floor. I laugh lightly and reach up to ruffle his hair. He grumbles even more and lightly smacked my hand away, making me laugh harder.

"Grab your teammate and follow us to the living room, we've got things to discuss." I say, getting much more serious. He nods curtly and grabs Karin's limp body, unceremoniously throwing her over his shoulder with an agitated look on his face. We make it to the living room, where surprisingly, everyone is waiting.

"How are you awake?" Sasori asks us immediately. I frown and look at him curiously.

"Sasori kind of drugged you, hm, and you aren't supposed to be awake for another twenty minutes, or so he said." Dei says and smirks at Sasori.

"Well, I would still be asleep, but that annoying little shit put her arm in my face and it woke me up, which is why she is currently unconscious." I say and Dei and Suigetsu laugh, while Sasuke chuckles and Sasori stares at me with shock. He brushes it away and returns to the couch he was previously sitting on.

"As you all know, it is my plan to team up with the five great nations, and we're gonna start with Konoha. Now, what we need to do is decide when it'd be best to go there, so I'm gonna ask you all a series of questions. Have you extracted the one tails yet?" I ask them, looking at each of them as they think.

"Yes, but we got sent to your universe right after that." Pain explains with his normal blank look present.

"So that explains why Sasori isn't dead. Alright then, so Gaara is alive, and they hate all of you even more. Great. But that also means that Sasuke hasn't gone after Killer Bee yet, so we're good there, and that also means Danzo is still alive, perfect. We leave in exactly one month. Until then, we continue to train and work on teamwork skills, and try to forget all of the evil things you were planning on doing, if that's alright with all of you." I say and roll my eyes while rubbing my temples. I then glare at the group towards the end. They immediately agree with my plans, seeing as I was completely serious and wasn't willing to compromise.

"Oh, and if you cross me, you'll die where you stand." I say and walk away, Dei following me to the kitchen.

"Well, hm. I think they took that rather well, Hidan didn't even interrupt you once. I think you've broken him." Dei says with an amused smile on his face. I giggle lightly and lean over the marble counter to peck his lips, savoring the love bouncing around in the room.

~Exactly 30 days Later~

You thought the Akatsuki was dangerous before? Heh, that's fucking hilarious. Now, we can all work as a team. A single unit of fifteen of the strongest people in the shinobi world, all able to work together almost flawlessly, supporting each other's attacks effortlessly.

I was now anbu, maybe even Kage level in skill, because(this is a fanfiction) I trained with everyone, everyday with such determination, as well as everyone else.

"How much longer until we reach Konoha, Itachi?" I ask him, looking to my right where he was running. We were running in groups of three, all in a line. We were in the front because Itachi knew the land best of us all, and I would be doing all of the talking when we got there, since I did have the power of persuasion, and Dei just happened to be closest to me so we're in the same line. Behind us was Pain, Konan, and Karin, who had also become quite skilled.

"We are coming up on the village as of right now." Itachi says. Pain was dripping off of him, but I didn't have to use my gift to tell, it was obvious, and it kind of scared me because Itachi never allowed this much emotion to slip through, not even after Sasuke came. A few seconds later, we stopped running through the trees and landed softly on the ground. We could see the gates from where we were.

"We aren't going inside, yet. That's a death sentence. We'll have them come to us. Everyone flare your chakra." I say and focus on uplifting my chakra. Just like clockwork, four shinobi landed in front of us. We all calmed our chakra and stared at them with blank faces. Everyone stays back and I take a step forward, but narrowly dodge a kunai flung by one of them. Dei growls and tries to come forward but I hold a hand up to stop him.

"Hello to you too Kakashi Hatake. As well as you Sakura, Naruto, and Sai. I knew you'd all be the first to show, especially since Sasuke is with us." I say with a soft smile on my face and cautiously take another small step forward.

"The Akatsuki! What in the hell are you all doing here?!? I'll defeat all of you and take Sasuke back! Are you planning an attack?!? I won't-" Naruto was cut off by the breath being knocked out of him.

To Their World (Akatsuki Kittens Sequel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin