Conquering My First Goal (6)

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"I really wish I hadn't met you like this Sasuke, but sometimes sooner is better than later, right? Konan go and get Itachi please." I say, but as soon as Konan nodded her head and started to run, Sasuke places his katana to her throat, to which Konan looked completely indifferent to.

"No, neither of you will escape. I want-" Sasuke began, but I cut him off with an irritated sigh.

"You didn't let me finish you little power hungry brat. Konan, go get Itachi. Bring him here to me, and tell him Haleigh said that it's time." I say. Konan nods again and just moves Sasuke's sword away from her throat with the tips of her fingers.

Sasuke then glares at me and turns around to run after her. I panic, so I let instinct completely take over. I sent what felt like a huge wave of sadness straight to Sasuke. It seemed to have hit him, because he fell to the ground clutching his heart.

"Do you feel that Sasuke? That unbearable sadness? Itachi lives with that sadness everyday, and all for the leaf village, and you. He loves you so much that he carries this around everyday of his life." I say as I take a step closer to him and stare at his quivering form.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING! HE KILLED MY CLAN JUST TO TEST-" He begins, but I quickly cut him off.

"His abilities. I know, and that's what everyone knows, but what everyone knows is wrong. Did you know, that if I hadn't come here, you would kill Itachi, try and destroy the leaf village, and befriend some very disgusting people. You'd be hurting Naruto, Sakura, and everyone else much more than you already have, but thank goodness I'm here, right? Today, foolish little Sasuke, you're going to learn the truth and Itachi is going to tell you. And you two are going to make up. Speaking of big brother, he's here now." I explain, then slowly take the sadness out of Sasuke as he stares at me with rage, confusion, and hurt. Just then Itachi walks out with Konan, and immediately, Sasuke is up trying to attack him, but Itachi quickly blocks all of the hits.

"Listen here you little brat, I said you're going to listen to what he has to say, so calm the fuck down before I make you!" I growl at Sasuke. He stares at me wide eyed for a moment before slowly lowering his sword.

"Tell him Itachi." I tell him. He sends me a slight glare before stepping out from behind me and takes a few steps toward Sasuke, whose fists clench and his swords begins to raise again, but Itachi doesn't stop.

"Sasuke! Don't even think about it." I yell and he stops. I guess this kid is scared of me. Heh, wouldn't be the first. Itachi keeps walking until he's standing right in front of Sasuke. Sasuke's teeth are gritted so hard, I thought they'd shatter. Itachi slowly lifts his fist into the air right in front of Sasuke's face, but a punch never comes. Instead a soft poke to the forehead replaces it.

"Little brother, I am so sorry." Itachi says and removes his fingers from Sasuke's head. Sasuke's eyes go wide and he begins stuttering.

"Everything you know is a lie. I never killed the clan to test my strength. It was a mission from Danzo, one of the elders. My choice was to not kill the clan, and have an Anbu Squad do it, and you, me, and everyone else die, or I kill the clan and you live. I begged them to let you live. You were so young, and ignorant to what was going on around you, and I convinced them that you were no threat, and they allowed you to live." By now, Itachi, Sasuke, and I were crying, Sasuke sobbing hysterically, but not too loud. Itachi glanced over in my direction with a hesitant look on his face. I nod in his direction, encouraging him to continue.

"I told you all of those things so you'd get stronger. I wanted you to be strong, stronger than me. Strong enough to kill me so I could repent for my sins, but that girl over there convinced me to do what I'm doing now. She is one of the wisest people I've ever met, the only one to get me to show and recognize emotion so predominantly and I consider her my little sister." Itachi says. I cry even harder and smile at him. He wraps an arm around me, but I pull away from his grasp as soon as Sasuke falls to the ground consumed by tears.

I wipe my face and drop to my knees beside him and pull his body to mine cautiously, you never know, he could stab me. He looked up at me and I smiled down at him. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around my back and pushed his face into my stomach. I soothingly stroked his hair until he calmed down.

"So Sasuke, what is your decision. Will you continue down this dark path of hatred, that will eventually turn light, but at some heavy costs, or will you turn to the light at this very moment and have nothing but a bright future. A wife, a kid, and your brother and knuckle headed best friend at your side. Choose." I say. Sasuke stands up and his tears are replaced with a stoic face, a cover for the shock he was feeling. He begins to walk toward Itachi, so I get up and get ready to attack, but Itachi holds his hand up to me so I stop. Sasuke walks right up to Itachi, just as they were before all of this happened, and he does the unexpected. He quickly wraps his arms around his big brother and apologizes. Itachi looked stunned but patted Sasuke's head.

"I choose to help you with your goals." Sasuke said after he pulled away from the older Uchiha. A bright smile made its way onto my face and I race over to the two brothers and hug them both as tightly as possible.

"Thank goodness, little brother." I mock him. He glares at me, but I just laugh it off, and quickly get serious again.

"Sasuke, have you killed Orochimaru yet?" I ask him. His eyes go wide in what appeared to be shock and panic.

"How did you know-" He begins, but Itachi cuts him off.

"She knows everything about all of us, special information is what she calls it." He says with a sarcastic tone and I glare at him while he smirks.

"I don't believe you." Sasuke says as he backs away quickly and places his hand in the hilt of his sword. I sigh heavily and cross my arms on my chest and glare at him.

"Sasuke Uchiha. Parents Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. Graduated top of your class. You're on team seven with Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno, Kakashi Hatake was your sensei. In the chunnin exams, you fought Orochimaru, and that's when he gave you the heaven seal curse mark, you also fought Gaara of the desert right before things went south. You enjoy tomatoes, and you hate sweet things. Your specialty is the chidori which was taught to you by Kakashi and-" I roll of facts but Sasuke cuts me off.

"Alright, that's enough, what are you the stalker version of the bingo book?" He says sarcastically and I punch him on the arm, and he doesn't even flinch.

"Back on topic. You need to hurry up and kill Orochimaru, form your team Hebi or Taka, or whatever the hell it's called and get back to this base right here. I will lead you to the light, love." I say as I hug him tightly. He looks at Itachi for help, but gets nothing but a smirk. He slowly wraps his arms around me and I sigh, then let him go.

"And who are you to boss me around?" Sasuke asks cockily. I glare at him and growl lightly. Itachi looks like he's scared for Sasuke's life at the moment, which Sasuke notices and takes a step back.

"The one who knows your fate." I reply calmly as my face goes back to blank.

"Be careful Sasuke. Especially when you release Jugo. He's the original curse mark holder." I say. He nods and walks off back into the forest. Itachi and I then begin to walk back to the base. I sigh in satisfaction and feel at peace.

"That went really good. One of my goals has now been accomplished. What were you saying earlier about me being weak, Itachi?" I say and smirk.

"Shut up, we need to hurry, Deidara is having a meltdown because of what Konan said."

Oh shit.

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