Settling In (1)

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"What were you doing before you left?" I ask him. He turns red, but covers it with a smirk and looks at me.

"I might tell you, eventually." He says cockily. I roll my eyes. I notice that there isn't really any way he'd be able to touch me, and begin to get worried.

"Dei, how are you-" I begin, looking at all of the things in his arms and lap, my anxiety growing rapidly.

"Already on it, hm." Deidara says. His face focuses and he closes his eyes. I was about to question him, but soft lips meet mine. I smile at his antics, and feel the bright light surround the both of us.

Blinding white light.

It's all too familiar to me, but what I didn't expect was mind numbing pain. I scream in sheer agony as I painfully cling onto Deidara, as well as consciousness, praying that this immense pain would stop once I was fully in the ninja world, and that's exactly what happened.

The feeling of every bone in my body being broken all at once, over and over again ceased when the bright light went away and we were on solid ground. My knees give out and I fall to the floor panting, a cold sweat dripping down my face, and the need to vomit present. After I catch my breath, I opened my eyes, which I didn't realize were closed, and looked around.

"Are you okay, hm?" Deidara asks with worry completely evident on his face, as well as several of the other Akatsuki members, who were currently standing around me, huddled in a circle. Kisame takes a couple of steps forward until he was standing right next to my collapsed form.

"We heard you screaming, so we all ran in here." Kisame stated as he bent down and pulled my weak body up from the floor. I willingly went with him and loosely wrapped my arms around his neck, letting my head fall back limply, allowing my eyes to re-close. I was absolutely, unmistakably exhausted. Mentally and physically.

"She was in so much pain and I couldn't even do anything. She was screaming and clutching onto me, and I didn't know what was wrong with her, hm." Deidara says as he watches mine and Kisame's retreating figure. He then follows, as well as the rest of the Akatsuki, to the other side of the base where Pain said our new room was. The one for the higher ups. Kisame then set my body down gently as I kept my eyes closed, resting for a moment.

"I have a theory that she underwent that pain because she is not truly from this world, just like what we went through when we first went to her world. However, her body is completely untrained, unlike ours, so what she must have felt was a thousand times worse than what we felt, and for her to still be conscious is amazing. And to add to that, she couldn't have even had chakra when you two were being brought here." Pain says as he stares at my still body. I take a deep breath and open my eyes and sit up. I stop halfway and groan at the soreness in my body. Dei immediately rushes to my side and sits behind me on the bed, me in between his legs, allowing me to use him as a pillow to be able to sit up fully.

"I'm fine, just sore. It felt like all of the bones in my body snapped all at once, then reconstructed in the most rough, harsh way possible, and then snapped again, over and over. But I'm okay, really. Now, I've got to finish moving my stuff. Dei, get your ass up and let's get to work." I say as I stand cautiously to test my legs, and walk out of the room, everyone looking at me wide eyed.

"She is going to be an amazing asset to this organization." Pain mutters as he watches me walk down the hall and to the living room and start moving all of my stuff into my room.

"Dei get off your lazy ass and go get your stuff!" I yell as I walk back into our room to see him still sitting on our bed in the exact same position as I left him. He chuckles and holds his hands up in surrender before he removes himself from the bed as all of the other members eventually leave us.

"Aye aye captain, hm. I kind of like it when you boss me around, very hot." Deidara says. My face goes red and a scowl crawls onto my features as I look at him, trying not to let a smile crack in front of everyone. Just then, as I go to set down a box, an amazing idea places itself inside of my mind.

"You're gonna know hot when Itachi teaches me the fireball jutsu. You just wait blondie, I'll get your ass good." I smirk as fear flashes across his face. He quickly runs around me to go get his belongings and I continue to get mine.

Boy, this is going to be an amazing experience, not just for me but for us all really.

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