Chapter 28/ The Final Battle

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I wake up..again to see Cassie, not Evan a  sigh of relief escapes my lips. she smiles "good,your awake." Yea" I say as I sit up in my bed. She immediately gets up  "whoa take it easy" I wave her off "I'm fine" "really you just woke up and your probably still groggy and dazed from all the meds the nurse gave you" uh-huh" she crosses her arms "this is the first time you've woken up since the battle right?"yea" I say in an exhausted voice. "and no ones come to visit you" 

She was hesitant when I asked her. "nope" I smile I knew she lying but I didn't want to get into it, she's been through so much and we have more important things to take care of like...a fricken Battle.  

I hear the sound of a door being smashed open . I whirl to see Zelena. hunched over covered in blood, eyes bloodshot. "you look like hell" "that's because hell is happening down there" oh" "yea and we need your help" oh ok"  I turn around to Soarth I grab her hand gently. "sorry I have to cut this short, I was planning to just  check on you and hopefully catch you awake which thankfully I did." I tighten my grip on her hand. "ill be back" you promise me" I promise. I let go of her hand and reach over to give her a quick hug and a smile. I head for the door and before I know it I'm on the other side, my back to the door.

I look over at Zelena she really does look like hell her rich blond hair has now turned to a dark red. "you know, you look good as a redhead" hahaha very funny you go ahead and laugh now because very soon you're going to look just like me" we start to head down a stair case that leads to the outside. "how bad is it?" I say taking two steps at a time. "pretty bad you would think 10 demons wouldnt  do so much damage but they really pack a punch" we push open a door.

Zelena was right. it looked like a war scene. blood everywhere most of it demon which is good. were making progress.  but there were a couple of angel dead bodies on the ground with blood spirits there and there. which was concering. I turned a corner to see two fights going down.

Taylor the fiery red head who I thought has good potential was fighting a demon twice her size. she was holding her own until he swept her off her feet. and landed on top of her holding his sword against her throat. before he slashed her to pieces. I grabbed my sword and plunged it through his neck dark red purplish blood sprayed everywhere. I held out my hand and she took it. she looked irritated "I could have taken him" really because it looked to me like you were on the brink of death" "ugh" she roll's her eyes at me and starts to walk off. I notice her left leg lagging behind. "wait stop"  ughh would you just leave me alone" basically shouting at me. "no, you're limping." I cross my arms. "I'm fine" she starts to walk away from me.  I grab her shoulder and pull her to face me" don't" NO!,you are not fine now go to the infirmary to treat your leg or the next time you get into a fight and land on the ground you won't be getting back up, now go" I take my hands off her shoulders. she turns toward the direction of the infirmary. when she's out of ear reach I whisper "I can't lose one of my good fighters."

I look over at the second fight. this time there evenly matched. the demon might even be more scrawny then the angel who was using speed and strength to her advantage. she defiantly had the upper hand in this battle. with one swift move her sword is embedded in the demon's skull she yanked it out and the demon topples to the ground in a pit of ash. satisfied with her kill a smile plastered to her lips. just then a demon sneaks up behind her. before she can react.. I with my amazing reflexes   pull out a  throwing knife and throw it  at the incoming demons head with perfect precision. The girl ducks and then looks at me with hatred. "YOU"!

great its Megan the bitch that hates me. "I had it" Oh please, you didn't even know he was behind you, if it weren't for me your head would have been disconnected from your body" she's silent realizing that I'm right. "whatever" she starts to clean her sword wiping the blood and brain matter onto her sleeve. "let's go"

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