Chapter #15 /home sweet home

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As we exit the portal I can already smell the sweet scent of the academeny. I know that I only been here for two weeks but it's already starting to feel like home. "Come on let's get you too to the fountain" I hear Zelena say.

My eyes are still adjusting from darkness to light hell can really take a toll on your vision. We walk up to the fountain which is all to familiar to me. I wish a cup from thing air and dip the cup into the fountain I take a sip that slimlar taste in my mouth. But it's more enjoyable this time because last time I was taken against my will and forced to drink it now it's only free will.

I look to my right to see Soarth who might as well be chugging the drink down. I tap on her shoulder gently removing the cup from her lips.

"We should head to our rooms" "right" she says with a sigh. We walk up the stairs my nausea already gone and all I feel is happiness to finally be home.

I open the door to our room to find our beds covered in roses. I don't know why and honestly I don't really care right now. I plop myself onto the bed and drift off into a deep sleep not realizing how tired I really was..


Sage: That meeting lasted a little longer than usual. Sigh oh well at least I get to see Cassie. I open the doors to find my room empty of an angel maybe she went out!! I say trying to be optimistic. I take of my jacket to find a note. I open it

Dear sage,

God this is so hard for me to write. But you need to know this so I don't worry you. I'm sorry. I left to go back home to heaven. So don't go looking for me because I don't want to be found. Not yet anyway. Just know that I'm sorry and that I love you I couldn't stay in hell forever and I had to go back to my firends at the acdemeny. I love you and I'll miss you hopefully we will see each other again... Someday Love Cassie<3xoxo

Somehow, that little touch to that note made me know that she wrote this and it wasn't fake. Even though Cassie dosent seem the type to add an xooxo . Huh but what do I know I've only known her for two days I wish I knew her longer.

A tear starts to roll down my cheek. But it's a good reason she left she needed to go back to the academy it's where she belongs.....

Evan: I head back to my rooms after that dreadful meeting to find my little angel gone.the emotions of concern and worry start to bottle up inside me. where is she.... I burst out of my room to find sage with a sad look on his face.

I put a serious one on mine. "hey, have you seen the uhh.. girl i brought to my rooms last night". y-you mean Soarth?!" Yeah that one have ya seen her"s-sshe might have left with ca...." he stops to look me straight in the eye and then runs off with tears filled in his eyes. Poor guy I wonder what happened.

uhhh I shake it off don't worry about it. right now I need to search every nook and cranny of this castle for my little angel.

uhhh, after hours of searching and asking the guards who some said "they saw her around" which I'm pretty sure they were lying to save their asses. a wave of exhaustion finally hits me. and I collapse into bed. I roll over to look at my stars. the stars I shared with Soarth and no one else.

A tear rolls down my cheek. who said love would ever last. I look at the stars one more time... wait... what I squint my eyes at a cluster of stars to see the stars form the words..... "I'm sorry".

hey guys sorry this chapter is not that long but i tried after that long ass chapter last time i decided to do a cute little after math chapter. and we finally get to see the boys perspective ahhhh who says guys can't get emotional . Anyway the usual let me know what i should add change etc and give me any ideas on characters i can add and more plot lines etc I'm running out of ideas ppl anway thanks for the support

Love Shelby, <3 xoxox (for that special touch)

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