Chapter#21/ Not Goona Happen

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For the past two day's.. Every morning I would bring down some food and water for sage we would talk for 30 min and then I would have to go to class.

One day I was in class. And heard the sound of the intercom call my name. "Cassie Everheart please come down to the headmasters office immediately" everyone looks at me giving me all your fucked face.

"Great encouragement guys" I through my hands up in the air. They sincker. I walk out the door and head to the office. As I'm walking there I hear some girls talking.

"Did you hear about Cassie Everheart her boyfriend who is a demon is locked down in our dungeons" the other girl gasps "she could get expelled" I know which is why I'm going to tell the headmaster as soon as she is done with this next person"

oh no not on my watch I thought. "Hello girls" one of the girls gasp. Can I talk to you guys for a sec"

I pull my knife out of its holster a little bit." They nod. "Awesome follow me". I lead them into a bathroom. I lock the door behind me. I grab the girl who said she was going to tell and hold my knife to her throat.

"ok listen up this is how this is going to work if you want your firend here to not be killed by me then I suggest you listen up you too missy" I look down at my hostage.

"Now when we walk out of this bathroom you are to not.." I press the knife a little harder to her throat drawing blood" tell the headmaster about my boyfriend or both of you will be the first on my kill list. Are we clear?"

I say with vigor in my eyes. "C-crystal" the girl say's. "Great you can go" they start to walk toward the door. "Wait" they froze.

" I have a job for you" you both are going to be my messengers if you hear anybody talk about my...predicament report back to me and ill deal with it if I found out that my problem get's back to the dean well you already know what will happen" I pull my knife out and point it right at there faces I smile.

I put it back. And sassy hair flip "have a good day girls" I walk out the door. I have a feeling they are going to have nightmares tonight.

I look at the time oh shit I'm late. I rush to the deans office. I get to her office with Ms.Kate giving me the death stare.

she slams her hand on the desk "Ms Everheart I don't think you heard the intercom correctly when I say imediatantly its means you are to go from class straight to my office no stops" Im so sorry ms.kate" ahem" she stop's me there. "can't you see this Wonderfull plague infront of me." she gestures to the gold and white plague with the words Headmaster Kate on the front"

sorry Headmaster Kate" ahem I'm late because..I was helping a friend out I was going to head straight to your office but then one of my friends stopped me and at first I tried to turn her down.. but she seemed so desperate and like she really needed my help so I couldnt leave her hanging..

*sigh* Headmaster Kate I am very sorry that I was late and for not Adressing you properly..Its still early in the morning and I haven't had breakfast yet so I'm a little out of it right now."

And The acdemeny Award goes too Cassie Everheart for being the best liar money could buy. wow they really should make an award for that I would win it Every time.

I watch as the look on her face changes from you ungrateful child to would you like some tea come let's have a little chat" oh if that's the case then why don't you have some tea" uhh sure" Emily" she call's out comes a cute chubby blonde chick"

yes headmaster" Cassie would like some tea uhh what kind?" ohh just normal tea with some milk and honey nothing to extravagant" o-ok you will have your tea in a moment" great" I smile.

ms Kate get's out her chair and walks over to a cute little sitting area with two comfy chairs."sit" I sit. just then emily comes in with a tray with two cups of tea on top. she hand's us our tea then walk's off.

"so umm I'm kinda wondering why you called me here?" oh well its actually not that important I just think its time to renew your schedule..Ive been told by many of your teacher's that you are at the top of there class and think it's best for you to take the next hard level classes so you can graduate early I really want you out there contributing as an angel like your mother did as soon as possible"

" wow I'm honored" you should be" now as for classes you will be taking 2 year classes which is a step up form the classes you have now the only class we are going to change is your how to not get suduced by a demon class since you've already been to hell and you know what demons are like you've been captured by them which i am so grateful that my niece rescued you from that horrid place"

yep she did" I take a sip of my tea uh I'm so glad to have caffeine right now. so I'm sure you've mastered the class"

yep I did" another sip. which is why I'm switching you to Alchemy" I take another sip. I suck at science.

"umm out of curiosity what does this class entail?" oh you'll see". the bell rings.
she gets up "well you should better head off to class you'll start your new classes tomorrow" "thank you for this opportunity Headmaster Kate" I start to walk out the door. "oh and Cassie" I turn "you are our star student this is a huge opportunity you better not screw it up" oh don't worry I won't" I walk out.

The headmaster can not find out about sage.It can't happen.Its.Not.Goona.Happen.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm gonna take a break for a few day's to celebrate my birthday Yay! yesterday was my birthday when this goes out. so wish me happy birthday ok I'm gonna go to bed I am an idiot to stay up till 5:30 am again. goodnight everyone.

Love Shelby<3xoxox

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