Chapter#25/A day with Sage

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Time square!! Here of all places was not what I expected. "Wow" I hear sage gasp in awe. I look around to see we are in the middle of time square hundreds of billboards and tv screens around us along with a bunch of people walking on the street and some people sitting on the street.

"Wow this what the human world looks like" ahh not all of it" I take out my phone that Zelena gave me. I look at the time. It's 12:30 pm" so lunch time" he looks over what's in my hand and gasps really loudly.

People start to give us weird glares. He talks softly "what is that box thingy" it's a phone you can call someone from anywhere around the world or text" amazing" he takes my phone out of my hand. "Wait what's text?" I face palm.

"Am I seriously going to have to explain to you what modern technology is?" M-modern Technology?" I face palm again "fuck my life". I quickly give Sage the low down of the modern world "
wow the human world is awesome" haha" I chuckle. "Don't get to comfortable were not going to be here long" he frowns "dang it" but let's make it the best day ever come on" I pull sage toward me and we venture into New York City.

Since I live outside of New York..this place is basically my domain I know all the best places to eat and where to go.

I decide to take sage to lunch in a little cafe called bakin Bish. "That's a werid name to call a cafe" bakin Bish" yep but this place has amazing  food" really?" Sage gives me a skeptical look. "Yep come on"

I drag Sage into the cafe up to a hos toss. "How many?" How m-many w" two please I say quickly and smile. The host shakes her head and leads us over to a booth. We get in and wait for our waitress.

"Wow this is so cool?" Sage says in amazement. "Yep there is nothing cooler than sitting in a booth waiting for a waitress to come" I know right" haha that was sarcasm" S-Sarcasm?

Uhh what do they teach you in hell I mean seriously" relax I know what sarcasm is?" Really?" Yep" the waitress comes over "what can I get you too?"

Umm realizing I haven't even looked at the menu yet I quickly order a turkey club. Uhh I uh he starts to rub the back of his head confused "he'll have the same thing" the waitress shakes her head first then nods "alright your food will be with you shortly" I take a breath relived "I am starving" we both say at the same time. "Jinx" jinx?" It's if someone says something the same time" oh..ok" "I have a question?"

"Yeah shoot" I want to know more about you" oh really? I glare at him. " Yea" alright what do you wanna know?" Everything I want to know all about you and the world you use to live in" ok " I give him a quick explanation of the human world and then I get to me.

Our food shortly came after I started to talk about my life before the shit  hit the fan. "And that's when I came to Angel Academy". "Wow you really lived a......boring life" well thanks but yeah I did" I start to look down feeling depressed.

"Hey at least your life was all underground in the depths of hell" ok now it's your turn" well all my life ever sense I was taken  to the underworld so when I was a baby, I was always in Evans shadow being his servant while he ran the guard.

It'd was very tiresome" really?" Yeah until I met you this fierce bad ass who was holding her own back there but then one thing lead to another and you were captured I knew that Evan would do bad things to you three so I tried to lighten your punishment by stepping out of  the shadows for the first time.. But of course that backfired.

"I grab his hand in mine our hand untangled across the table " hey if I wasn't captured I wouldn't have gotten to know you or fall in love with you" and with that he reached over and kissed me. I pull away and see the waitress staring right at us "awwwww what a cute couple you too are" we pull away immediately and I nod "thanks" while blushing. "oh here's your check I'll come back soon" Sage reaches over and try's to grab the check but I snatch it away from him. "Uhh no it's ok I got this" I grab the money that Zelena gave me  and put some down. "Come on let's go I've got plenty of more things to show you" he smiles.

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