"then why were you talking to it?" he opens his mouth to say something, then closes it again. kind of like a fish. He does this about three more times then finally answers.

"touché" me mumbled. I smile at him and wrap my arms around his neck, looking at his round face, examining his unique features. He has this beauty mark on his nose that he absolutely hates but I adore. His tight curls fall onto his face and he blows them out of his face only for them to go exactly back to where they were. His eyes. I could write a book on them. I always seem to get lost when I look into the brown orbs.

"I would love to go on a date with you Jc." I answered while smiling. I've been doing that way more lately. He makes me unbelievably happy.

Jc's smile grows wider and he pecks my lips "so, would you like to go out or go to my house?" If we go out that means I have to shower, put on an uncomfortable dress and heels, if we go to his house I can wear his clothes.

"your house!" I say excitedly and peck his lips.

"my house it is" he replies.

We get to Jc's house and I run up to his room, I walk to his closet and open it up, running my hand over the many soft materials.

"Your favorite shirt of mine is being dried so it's warm for you." Jc says when he walks into the room. I look at him and smile widely.

"You're actually the best boyfriend ever." I tell him and close the closet door.

"you know it." he says matter of factly and places his hands on my hips. "so I was thinking of making like homemade pizza but we've been eating a lot of that lat-"

"I wanna make my own pizza!" I say excitedly. "so many toppings oh my gosh yes!" I cheer.

A faint buzz noise is heard, "your shirt is warm princess, i'll meet you in the kitchen okay?"

I nod and kiss his cheek then run down to the kitchen. I open the fridge and see everything we need to make pizza.

The little fucker planned this.

I grabbed the mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, pineapple, green peppers, olives, chicken, pizza sauce and many other ingredients and placed them all over the counters.

Jc comes in holding a plain grey t shirt and hands it too me. I take it from him and lift take my shirt off, slipping the large, warm material onto my body.

Jc coughs and grabs the pizza dough that was ready to decorate with the food. We each had a mediumish doughs and placed them side by side.

I dumped sauce on the raw dough and spread it with a spoon. Jc Dumped half the bag of cheese onto my pizza and I gasped, throwing a pepperoni slice at him.

That went on for a while, toppings and sauce were flying everywhere. Somehow ending up on us AND the pizza. We finally decided to put the pizza in the oven and clean up. I put what was rest of the toppings in the fridge then helped Jc clean the kitchen.

"we can let Janet get it later." Jc says when he sees me looking for a broom.

"who's Janet?" I asked confused. He wraps his arm around my waist and we walk into the living room.

"cleaning lady." he answers as we sit down. "what do you wanna do?" he asks.

I look around and see a wii. "MARIO CART!" I yell, hoping he has it. He laughs and gets up, setting up the machine and putting in Mario cart.

Jc handed me a remote and I sit criss cross applesauce on his couch, staring intently at the flat screen in front of me.

The game comes on and we choose our characters, Jc choosing Bowser and I choosing Toad. We started the game and I was in the lead. I turned into the grass and my car went slower, players passed me, including Jc.

I pouted and tried to get ahead again but Jc was better than me. I did the only thing I could think of, I covered his eyes with my hand and drove with the other.

Jc laughed and moved my arm away, putting his remote on the table. He turned towards me and smiled wickedly. I gave him a questionable look and and he took my remote, placing it by his.

He then reached towards me and started tickling my stomach. I laughed loudly and and laid on the couch, which was a terrible mistake. Jc straddled my waist and continued his assault.

He tickled up and down my sides and my stomach "p-please stop!" I laughed. This went on for about two minutes when something didn't seem right. "J-Jc do you smell something burning?"

His eyes widened "the pizza!" he got off of me and ran into the kitchen, I walked in behind home while he opened the oven.

The pizza was an almost black color and he groaned, taking them out of the oven. "god i'm so sorry, i lost track of time."

I laughed and smiled "It's okay! really! let's just have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and cuddle in your bed." i suggest.

Jc agrees and we make the sandwiches, him making himself two. I grab the goldfish container and a water bottle and go up to his room.

He comes in and places his food on his table then takes off his pants. I blush slightly and  wait for him to get into his bed, which he does shortly after he takes off his shirt and replaces it with a clean one.

I do the same with his shirts and steal a pair of his sweats. "You look better in my clothes then i do" Jc remarks. I laugh and his comment and crawl into the bed with my food, leaning against him.

Jc wraps his one arm around my waist "so? high school musical?" he asks, already looking for it on netflix.

I nod my head enthusiastically and take a bite of the sandwich. Jc plays the movie and covers us up with his simple black comforter.

I lay my head on his shoulder, while watching and eating.

"This date couldn't have gone any better."I mumble with food in my mouth.

"I couldn't agree with you more." He says back, kissing the top of my head.
again, i'm shit at endings i'm soRRY.

anywho, i really hope you guys like this one, it's a sappy chapter but i rlly like it :)

again -jc caylen- discontinued :-(Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя