Strange explanations (13)

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Strange explanations

“Come in sweetheart” Says the deep comforting voice that cuts through the steal tough tension in my body like a knife through butter. His arms wrap around me tightly in a big hug. I let out gasps of tears and sobs onto his shirt. His face, his skin… It looks a little different to what I remember but it has been a couple of years.

“Darling.” My mum calls with great happiness and joy in her voice. I’m so full of relief but there is still tension in air. I still don’t belong here, not while I’m alive and I can still feel that deep down in my gut. And with Ann here, a total stranger, I can’t truly feel comfortable with this happy reunion. My father leads me into the house. Mum is in there sitting on a sofa the same colour as the red-brown mud walls. She pats the space next to her. Something about her has definitely changed, her skin has lost the radiance I remember, her eyes no longer sparkle with the light of life-that light as I recall had dimmed considerably with my father’s death- and there was a slight darkness under her eyes now as well.

I sit, my hands placed in my lap. I can’t help but be rude and stare at both my mother and father. Very much full of movement, very much contradictory to everything I’ve ever learnt, everything I’ve ever believed. Life after death… Nabinans, they’re right. There is life after loss; a person can never fully be put to rest.

“I know this is a lot to take in Lindsey but there is a reason for this.” Mum said with a slight strain in her voice.

“Indeed.” Says Ann. She clapped twice and the front door creaked open.

“You called.” It’s the woman with the red eyes. She’s carrying a tray with tea and biscuits on it. She puts the tray on the table. “You know Ann, I wasn’t built to run stupid little errands for you. Death has appointed me a very important and necessary job. You should have more respect for his wishes.” The woman says smugly.

“I have great respect for his wishes, excluding the ones that have anything to do with your filthy breed of beings!” Ann’s voice is full of venom and hatred. The woman smirks. “And when it is my turn to take the thrown you will be the first to feel my wrath.”

“I am truly terrified. And Miss Grey, this is for you.” She hands me a small card which looks very much like a business card or a chance card from some sort of game. It’s red with the words ‘vampire card’ printed in black on one side. “Ann shall explain, and he will be arriving shortly to fill in the blanks.” The woman gives another sly smile to Ann and leaves. Mum puts her hand on my shoulder and Dad sits on a sofa opposite. Ann has been sitting in an armchair of the same colour as the sofas. I notice how spacious the house looks compared to the outside.

“Lindsey, we called you here for several reasons. You became obvious to Life for the one fact of the Immortals work on you, but you are not the only one who is or was tortured by those beings,” Her big black eyes made me uncomfortable, they stared into my soul and left a sour taste there, “But you clearly have the least to loose. You have no friends, the only family that are still alive are old and disconnected from your life, being a Damintionist means that you have strong values and a need for purpose and achievement.

“So you will help not us, for in this land no benefit will be made to us from what you must do; but the workers of Life have chosen you to help them.”

“What? What must I do?” There is more fear then I wish in my voice.

“You don’t have to do anything Miss Grey.” I hear the raspy sandpaper textured voice of the Grey cloaked figure that is him. “But if you don’t Life will haunt you, if someone else were to risk their life to do this task their blood would be on your hands, this will give you a purpose Lindsey. You are still a Damintionist, even if you know different from those views, it is all you’ve ever known and those values will stick with you, a good thing too. No religion in this world is accurate but at least the death lovers are the most productive, the most efficient. And of course how can I not care for the humans that value me the most.” Ann gets up so he can sit down in the armchair, she stands next to him.

“You… Your death, aren’t you.” He chuckles, the sound is like two pieces of slate being grinded against each other.

“Yes, but only for a few more years. Ann is the next in line; I have spent too long on that high chair.” He laughs harder; the sound makes my teeth and spine tingle like finger nails being drawn down a black board. “I wore this robe for you Lindsey Grey, so you would recognise me. Though you’re smarter then you give yourself credit for. Academically you aren’t brilliant for a resident of Bakhnica, but you have good senses, you know things; you just don’t trust yourself, you don’t let yourself think because you fear the mockery of others.” Despite his voice box sounding like it would give up in any minuet, he still managed to ramble on, he must be slightly lonely in a way.

“So what do I have to do for… Life herself.” I say nervously, remembering what Muriel the immortal woman had said. Ann glared at me all of a sudden.

“How do you know of life?” She said harshly and accusingly.

“The Im-m-mortal w-woman said that Life herself wouldn’t choose me to be a werewolf.” I really feel stupid with all this terror and I still feel so horrible inside, my world has been turned upside-down, what do I have to do? Ann throws her head back on her spindly paper white neck and opens her moth wide letting out great spouts of laughter clutching at her stomach and diaphragm.

“Life is not a creator of such dark creatures, that’s our job.” She has a sly smile on her face.

Hello again, I know I haven't posted anything for a while but here's a new chapter :D I hope you like it. I know the title of the last chapter sort of merges with this part of the story and the rest of the 'strang explanations' will continue next time but oh well. If you like then vote, comment et cetera I really apreciate peoples feed back!!!

Grey WolfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon