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Nikky's P.O.V.

Wow birth is really hard and painful but it is all worth it in the end. I smile as I hold Sebastian close to my body. I was currently sitting in the hospital bed alone since Niall had gone to give the doctor. Truth is, I couldn't stop starring at Sebastian. He was so cute and looked like a good mixture of Niall and I. I smile as Niall walks back in.

"So the guys are waiting outside wanting to see the baby" he says "Would you like them to come in now or later?'"

"Don't worry babe you can let them in"  I say as I slowly sit up on the bed since I was still a bit sore. i mean I pushed a baby the size of a watermelon out of my vajayjay.

I smile as Liam, Louis, and Harry come in.

"He is so so adorable" Liam smiles as he holds him. The other boys surround him as he holds the baby. They pass them around just as Michael and Ashton are wheeled in by doctors.

"Hi sweetie how are you doing" Michael asks as he gets closer to me.

"Tired and sore" I say yawning

"Honey how about you take a nap "

"I am a bit sore but that's all" I say "I am glad to see your guys out of bed"

"Yea we had to beg the doctors to let us out" Ashton says "I mean we couldn't miss the birth of Sebastian"

"Well you can see him. One of the boys must have him" I say as I rest myself against the bed. I looked at the scene in front of me I honestly couldn't be happier.

*16 years later*

"Come one Sebastian you can do it" Niall screams as Sebastian kicks the ball into the goal and it goes in. The crowd goes wild as well as we do.

These 16 years have passed by so fast. Sebastian is 16 years old and is a splitting image of Niall. I am not even kidding. He took on all of Nialls past times, hence us being in a soccer game.

3 years after Sebastian was born, we had Mason. He is currently 13 years old and is more quiet and enjoys indoor activities. He is a great singer and looks more like e. He knows how to play the guitar, drums and piano thanks to my dads and the 1D boys. He joined a glee club in his high school and I think he will be just as famous as his dad one day.

6 years after him came Kara. She is currently 7 years old and the most energetic kid I have seen. She loves being outdoors and loves gymnastics. She is takes gymnastic classes and her goals is to make it to the Olympics one day.

And lastly, we had Gabriela 4 months ago. She has been the best of all the kids, just don't tell them. She is the quietest yet most happy baby I have seen. She looks more like NIall yet has some of my features.

Niall is currently a solo artist and is on his 6th tour. He is currently taking a break to be with us. I on the other hand, decided to take a break for a while. I wanted to see my kids grow up and be happy. This is the best thing i could ask for.


I apologize for not updating guys! i kind of lost my mojo but i decided that i couldnt leave the story there. I hope you enjoyed this story and i want to thank the readers. Thank you for reading my story. Again, I apologize for taking so long.

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