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Niall's P.O.V.

I wake up next to a really tired Nicky. I notice that she is so tired and in such a deep sleep cause I kiss her and she only steers and goes back to sleep. I look over at our clock.

"8:30" I say to myself. I brush of the time then look at my phone.

Pregnancy Photoshoot today at 9:30 am

My eyes go wide cause I totally forgot but then I pout when I remember I'll have to wake up Nikky and I could see it in her face she only wanted a lazy day. I wall over to her side and begin to kiss her from her bump to her face. She wakes up with a small smile and look at me.

"What time is it" she asks knowing it was probably early.

"Its 8:30" I sigh "but we have to be at the photoshoot at 9:30 so we should get ready and get breakfast on the way"

"Nooo I wanna stay in bed" she answered curling up as best as she could though her bump got in the way.

"Please baby I don't want to either but we have to" I finished as I picked her up. She cuddled up to me falling back asleep "Hey hey wake up baby"

She groaned in responce as I set her on the ground to get ready. She got ready in a beautiful white dress which I admired while I went in a tux. She made grabby hands,which I thought was a adorable, towards me and I picked her up bridal style and got everything making my way to the car. I set her in the passenger side and buckled her up putting a blanket over her so she would get cold. I got in the other side and started my drive to our photographer house where he had a garden. We got there in 40 minutes cause I stopped to get us some sandwiches for us. I sighed as I looked at the peaceful Nikky next to me, I didn't really want to wake her up but I had to. I begin to kiss her from her arm to her face until she wakes up rubbing her eyes.

"Come on" I tell her as I open the door for her and let her out. I take her hand in mine as we walk to the house. We ate our breakfast quickly and went to the beautiful backyard, Kyle, the photographer had. They took a few pictures of her first and then let me take a few with her.

A few hours later he send me a couple of pictures through text so I could post them on Twitter since today we are making the huge announcement to the fans.

We get on the car and hold hands as I type the words

"We are pregnant" along with the collage of pictures from the shoot.

As soon as I post it on Twitter we get a bunch of responces. Some good and some bad. Even some of my celebrity friends answered that they were excited and when was I gonna pop the question. Oh don't worry that was gonna be soon. ;)


Hey people of the wattpad world!! :)

Since I now have two stories it would be quite hard to update but I will try to update them the same week just for you.

Oh and if you haven't checked my story yet you should its called

They're coming?

Thank you guys for reading and voting for this story!!

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