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Nikky's P.O.V.

I wake up to the smell of coffee, tea and pancake. I cough into my hand as I feel my throat become dry. Am I sick? Probably not so whatever. I get my super tired body off of the bed and stumble but manage to stand up. Making my way to the bathroom I became more and more dizzy. After doing my business I finally decided to get something since I was feeling so poorly. I went downstairs and was hit by the smell of breakfast again. I gagged into my hand and ran to the bathroom leaning into the toilet letting it all out. I felt a warm hand go in circles around my back as I kept throwing up. It took 6 minutes for me to finally stop. I landed on the person who I still had no idea who it was.

"Is OK baby girl" I hear a manish yet familiar voice. Luke!

"Bed" I simply said as I began to fall asleep in his arms. I feel him pick me up and quickly set me on my bed but carrfuly so I don't throw up again. I lay down on my stomach as I feel it do flips inside me. I heard Luke leave the room and begin to talk to someone over the phone saying to come over and that she is sick. I looked around and saw the TV controler. I turned my TV on and began to watch Baby Daddy (my new fav show) On Netflix. I smile at how cute Ben is and begin to fall back asleep to the sound of Ben and Bonnie fighting.

*30 minutes later*

I wake up to someone touching my hair and rubbing my stomach at the same time. To be honest I felt a bit better when it came to my stomach but my head hurt and my throat too. I looked back and saw Brookie laying down next to me watching Baby Daddy. He looked down at me and smiled missing my forehead.

"How ya feeling princess" he asks "You are burning up"

"Tired sick" I chuckle but get cut off by a coughing fit making me sit up and Brookie rub my back whispering sweet words in my ear. As I coughed I looked through the corner of my eye and saw Niall standing at the door looking jealous but he walked away quickly !that was strange! I thought. When I finished I rested my body on Brooke as he gave me a glass of water. I drank some and played back down falling into a deep sleep due to his tired I was.

Brooklyn's P.O.V

I smile and kiss Nicky on the forehead before standing up. I walk out the room and see Niall.

"Jealous much" I smirk as we face each other

"Brooke" Niall says angrily.

"Still mad about what happened"

"I won't let you hurt her" he growled

"Oh but why the show just began" I laughed as I walk away and put my sweet and innocent face on to meet the others.

Niall P.O.V

I growl as Brooke walks away and go into Nicky room to see if she is ok. I ain't letting him hurt her like he did to my best friend.

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