Chp. 7 "Close Call"

Start from the beginning

I parked my car and got out, feeling the slight cool wind threatening to pierce through my jacket. It was early March and you could tell the weather was trying to start warming up again.

Max spoke, “Everything’s still the same.”

I nodded, “Just like we left it.”

We walked over to the old generator that was beginning to rust but Max ignored it and grabbed the electric cord, plugging it into the wall and bringing it back to life. He let it run for a couple of minutes while talking to me, “So, Avery bailed?”

I shrugged, “She’s not having a good day, something with her family… So we’re finishing up the project tomorrow.”

I walked along side with Max as he started finding old bottles and metal boxes to set on the table-like junk we had made years ago. It was like a shooting range where we would practice shooting, but not shooting guns of course, we would shoot our electricity.

After setting up our targets over different parts of the junk yard we were finally ready to start and I knew we would be a little rusty. Max held his hands towards the running generator and sucked as much electricity out of it as he could, causing the generator to slow down. I watched him throw his arms in the direction of the bottles and electric bolts flying out of his hands, only hitting two bottles in the process. He cursed, “Shit, I’m rusty.”

I laughed, knowing it was my turn to show him what I got. I sucked the electricity out from the generator feeling the electricity buzz through my body and making me vibrate. I threw my hands like Max and hit the first, second and third bottle in a row, glancing at him and winking.

“Beat that.”

He shoved me, “Move over rookie.”

He began throwing his arms quick, giving me a magnificent view of blue electricity flying and shattering four glass bottles in a row. I clapped, “Nice job.”

He held his hands up like guns and pretended to blow them out like candles, “Thank you.”

Electric powers were magnificent and I couldn’t help but be fascinated with them. I mean we could control something that was lethal and dangerous, how was that not cool? I was still extremely curious as to how I obtained these powers and if I would’ve still gotten them if I hadn’t met Max.

Another thing that was extremely awesome was that we could get electrocuted by lightning, we could actually absorb it.

It was one time when we were here during a lightning storm and lightning struck Max, I guessed it was because we were currently holding a lot of electricity. He was fine, nothing was fried and in a way he almost controlled the lightning itself.

It had been awesome.

We could also restore power if it was out, depending on how strong the electric source was. I could hold a simple light bulb in my hand and light it up without a problem but ask me to restore a house’s electricity and I was out of energy in seconds.

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