If they hadn't already...

"Let's ask for proof that they have her first of all," Walter said lowly. "If they give the phone to her, we could tell her what to do."

"I doubt they'd be that dumb," Landon said.

"They've played dumb before," Phoenix said with a scowl. "Pretending they didn't know the Dartfish was working for us, or that Coral was with us either. They'd probably use whatever we tell her against us."

"That's when we decide to be smarter than them," Landon put his hand down on the table. "We tell her some phony shit that they might take as credible. It would throw them off what we will really be planning."

"Which is?" Eli demanded. "We're wasting time."

"No," Phoenix argued. "Running in there blind will make things worse. We need to plan properly. They won't hurt her in the meantime."

"When did you receive the text?" Eli fixed me with his green eyes.

I quickly unlocked my phone again with shaking hands and widened my eyes when I saw Ario had sent me another text.

"The first one was seven minutes ago. He sent another one just three minutes ago," I said, my heart pounding loudly in my chest. "It says that...their boss is back."

I had to leave the table then, rushing to the toilet to throw up. Everything tasted like acid and hot tears sprang to my eyes as I retched again and again until I was empty. Sitting back I tried to breathe slowly, to not let my feelings cloud my mind. I needed to help Hayley. She didn't deserve to be taken by the Santiagos. She had nothing to do with any of the rivalry between the gangs, I felt like I was responsible.

"Coral," Walter was knocking on the door. "Let me in, please."

"Coming," I said weakly, climbing to my feet and washing my face and hands in the sink before opening the door.

Walter cupped my face, searching my eyes, "Do you want me to take you to the hospital? You could stay there until this is all over. I promise you we'll get Hayley back safe."

I shook my head, "I can't wait this out alone. Please Walter, don't make me."

"I don't want you hurt," he creased his brows. "You're already so pale and weak Coral, you won't get any better if you come with us."

"Walter," I leaned my forehead against his chest. "I have to be there. Waiting alone in the hospital would be hell, not knowing what's going on or if any of you are okay."

"Okay," Walter sighed and then he kissed my head. "You stay by my side, alright?"

I nodded, "Alright."

We went to join the boys who had already paid the bill and were getting up to leave the restaurant. Outside, the sun was setting and we needed to get a move on.

"Do we have a proper plan then?" Gomez was the first to ask as we walked to where we'd parked the cars.

"Well their boss is back," Gio said. "This is probably something they've been planning for a while."

"So?" Severn scowled. "That shouldn't put us off. They wanted our attention so bad that they had to abduct a human being? Then we'll give it to them, full force."

"That's it Severn," Walter nodded in agreement. "We don't give a damn about their boss, we'll fight to the death if we have to."

"Don't say that," I said immediately.

"Too soon man," Gio murmured, rubbing his hair.

"Listen," Phoenix said as we came to stop by the cars. "This is what Carlos was talking about, the end of the small fights and the start to the Santiagos taking over our territory. It's not going to happen. When we get back, we'll have Coral call the police from a phone box and report threatening gang activity in the location Ario gives us. That'll probably set them in a panic and Hayley will manage to get away. The police take her in and she's fine. Maybe a couple of the splinters will get arrested, that would be a bonus. In the eyes of the police, we were never involved and so they get nothing on us."

The Seven Deadly Simpson Brothers [PUBLISHED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu