Chapter 13

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Sorry for lack of updates due to vacation. But here's an update for you guys in honor of Louis's birthday :D (Unedited)

Three weeks later...

Louis P.O.V. -

Discharge day. It was so close I could almost taste. I was finally going to get out of here after a grueling twenty-seven days. As I had predicted, Harry hadn't been back to see me at all. Mom still hasn't shown her face either. The only visitors I've had are Lottie and Liam coming to check on me every other day, and the occasional visit from Fizzy who managed to roll herself down here in a wheel chair. I fiddled with my bed sheets as my brain reminded me what the other half of tomorrow would bring. Tomorrow was Harry's surgery. I wanted to be there; to see him one last time before I possibly lost him forever, but according to the doctors I wouldn't be released until an hour after the surgery had begun.

Just then my door swung open, and I went on autopilot with my fake smile and joyful eyes. "Hey Lottie how's-" I stopped when my eyes met a familiar pair of light, forest green eyes and not blue.

"H-Harry?" I gulped. Please, let this be real. "Is that... is that you? Are you really here? Please tell me I'm not hallucinating."

Slowly, Harry shook his head and let a smile play on his lips. "Nope, I'm still the only crazy one in the room, Lou." He used my nickname. Maybe he wasn't angry with me anymore.

"Well, I just wanted to stop by one more time before... before tomorrow," he mumbled, trying to avoid my gaze as best as possible.

"I'm glad you came. I've missed you, and it's been bloody boring with you not around," I complained and crossed my arms over my chest. Harry made his way over to the bed and sat down next to my legs. Quickly, I pulled myself up so we were facing one another.

"I missed you too," he said with sincerity.

"So... you're still going to do it?" I asked with a hint of hopeful desperation. A small part of me was begging the universe to put a stop to it.

"Louis," his tone warned, "you know I am. I'm sorry but I'm going to do this. This is for you; why can't you see that? I just want to make you happy." His tone was shaky as he sucked in a breath to prevent tears from falling.

I reached for his hand and he allowed me to take it. My hands were so small compared to his. "I know, I know you are. I think I'm just so scared to lose you. It's not that I don't want you to get better because honestly I do think this is brilliant for you. You will finally be free of Damien no matter what. I'm just being selfish because I don't want to lose you. I should've been a better partner. As your other half, I'm supposed to support you and back you up, but I didn't."

"You're doing a wonderful job, Louis. Don't doubt yourself, and I guess... if I was in your shoes I probably would've reacted the same way. Also, I wanted to apologize for dismissing your opinions. It wasn't what I wanted to hear so I threw a fit like a toddler because I didn't get what I wanted. You're allowed to have your own opinions and thoughts and fears. That's what a relationship is all about, so if we don't always agree that's alright."

Harry always knew what to say. Damn, that boy knew me. "I appreciate it Harry. Look, just promise me you'll-"

"HAROLD EDWARD STYLES, GET AWAY FROM MY SON!" a woman's voice shrieked. The color drained from my face as I saw my mom standing in the doorway. Of course, she picks now of all times to finally visit me. Harry very nearly flew off the bed in shock.

"Mrs. Tomlinson, I-" he stumbled over his words but Mum cut him off. She was so pissed it was almost as if steam were floating out of her ears.

"How dare you? You just have some kind of nerve to show your face around here after what you've done! I told my son not to get romantically involved with you because it wasn't healthy. And then you, oh you tricked him into this. He's lying in a hospital bed because he almost FUCKING DIED! It was all your fault! You nearly killed him, my baby!" my mother screamed in rage. Harry was too stunned to defend himself, so I finally found words of my own.

"Mom, stop!" I said sternly, but she ignored me.

"I want you in prison! I want a restraining order! Anything to keep you away from my son. He is too good for you! You don't deserve someone like him. You deserve to rot in hell for this! How could anyone ever love you? You're a monster!" The last word rolled off her tongue like venom stabbed straight into Harry's heart. The shock transformed into hurt and anguish. Of all the words she could have used, she had to pick the one that cut him the deepest.

"That is ENOUGH!" I shouted. Both people turned to look at me. "How dare you say that to him? Who gave you the right to speak to him like that? He didn't do anything wrong, and I can't believe your foolish enough to not recognize the difference between who did this to me and who the victim really is! Harry is anything but a monster. If anyone doesn't deserve anyone, it's me not deserving him! Harry is the best thing that's ever happened to me! I haven't truly smiled in years, Mum, years! Then he came along and everything was better. I love him, Mom! Do you hear that? I LOVE HIM AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!" Mom's eyes widened but she didn't breathe a word.

"Get out," I spoke coldly. A shift happened in my mother's eyes. They too became cold.

"No, you're on medication. You don't know what you're saying. I'm pressing charges."

Fear swelled inside me like a hot air balloon. "You can't do that!" I panicked.

"Yes, I can and I am!" she snapped back at me.

"She's right, you know," a quiet voice added. Both my mother and I turned to face Harry, who had been silent the whole time. "Press the charges, I need to suffer the consequences for my actions." He hung his head and held out his hands as if he wanted her to arrest him right then and there. My mother's eyes scanned Harry for signs of treachery. Shit, what was I going to do? In a moment of pure fear, more fear than I had ever had even when I was about to die, I said the words.

"Do the surgery," I cracked. That got Harry's attention right away.

"What surgery?" my mom questioned judgingly.

"There's a surgery, a cure, for Harry. I didn't want him to have it because of the side effects, but it could protect him from you." I shifted my body to face Harry. "Get the surgery with my blessing, love. If it works, Damien will be gone and will have payed for his crimes. Damien has done this to me, Mum, not Harry. If he's gone and the surgery works no harm will come to me by Harry's hands. Would you let it go then, Mum? Justice will have been served and my heart will stay intact. Is that good enough for you?" In that moment she took to respond, I prayed harder than I had ever prayed in my entire life. I just wanted the chance to be happy with Harry. Right now, the surgery had the best odds of us living a fairytale ending. Releasing a hiss of air, my mother finally answered my question.

"Alright, I guess the surgery would be okay. If it works then... then you can see Harry again with my permission." My heart felt like it was going to pop out of my chest. We wouldn't have to sneak around anymore when our parents were gone. We could finally be happy and open with one another.

"Thank you, you have no idea what this means to me," I said sincerely. Mom flashed me a smile that read "I'm sorry", and I forgave her. She was my mom, she was just trying to protect me. The overwhelming sense of protection had surged within her when she saw my 'abuser' standing next to me. That makes her easy to forgive.

After she left, Harry and I were alone once more. "Did you... did you really mean it?" Harry whispered.

"Mean what?" I asked absent-mindedly.

"You want me to do the surgery?"

"Yes, I do. I'm done being selfish, for the most part. I want what's best for you, not just me. Besides, how can we have fun times if you're in jail?" I smirked.

"We can't though. You're not allowed to play any sports with "physical contact", remember? Then we have to factor in my recovery time after brain surgery!" Harry reminded me with a hint of sadness.

"Well, then I guess it'll just be a waiting game, huh?" I replied softly. Harry chuckled at what, I don't know. I was just happy he was laughing. It was my favorite sound in the world. He soon left the room, and as I fell asleep all I pictured in my mind was us two on a beach with the sunset somewhere far away close to perfection.

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