Chapter 4

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Harry P.O.V. -

It's been about two weeks since Louis's and mine's... date, if you could even call it that. I mean we weren't together or anything, after all it was meaningless kiss because I don't like boys like that... right? Looking down at my phone, I found myself wishing he would call. He hadn't called since that night, and I was worried. Did he not like me or something? Did I do something wrong? He seemed so happy after he left! I began to hyperventilate as the tears began to roll down my cheeks. Then, the screaming began. The screams that usually come with my panic attacks were here. My mum came running up the stairs to hold me.

"Shhh, Harry baby calm down! It's okay! I'm here, I'm here! You're you, Damien isn't here. He isn't coming. Calm down, everything is alright," she said as she held my trembling figure. I hated these attacks, but I couldn't do anything about them. As I thrashed about, my head felt dizzy from lack of oxygen. As much as I tried to stop crying, to stop screaming, I couldn't and for lack of a better word, I passed out.

When I woke up, I heard the steady beeping of a monitor. I opened my eyes slowly to see the familiar setting of a hospital room. Sighing, I crawled out of bed, guessing that me being here was yet a result as another one of my episodes. If that was the case, it wouldn't matter if I took a short walk to stretch my legs.

As I walked down the hallway in my gown, I thought about something I hadn't thought about in a while, my father. "Was it possible that-" my thoughts were interrupted as I collided with someone who was walking out of the room next to me.

"Oh man, sorry!" a familiar voice exclaimed. I looked up, hand gripping my throbbing head.

"Louis!" I said a little too excitedly. A smile broke out on his face.

"Harry!" he cried as he embraced me in a hug. "How ya been, mate!"

"Good... I've been good," I replied a bit sadly, which naturally Louis picked up on.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, it's just that you haven't called or talked to me or anything in two weeks," I muttered.

"Harry, how am I supposed to call if I don't have your number?" he laughed. Oh my god, I am such an idiot, not to mention a huge embarrassment.

"Well now this is awkward, sorry Louis."

"S'no problem," he said smoothly with a shrug of his broad shoulders. "So why are you in the hospital?"

"Oh I had a... I passed out last night."

"Damn, you okay?" he asked with worry in his eyes.

"Yeah, it just happens with my...condition," I shrugged. "So why are you here...again? It doesn't seem like you're a patient." My eyes began to scan his body. Today he had on a gray beanie with a pair of gray sweats and a navy blue t-shirt. He looked really lovely, I mean... if guys could look lovely, that is.

"Uh... yeah... about that." For a moment, I could've sworn he was going to cry.

"Louis?" I breathed. And then he broke, tears were spilling more rapidly over his eyes than the waters of Niagara do. I didn't know what to do except hug him. I could feel his body being racked with sobs, his very fit body. "What's wrong, tell me, please?" I put my hands on his shoulders and pulled out of the hug to where I could see his face.

"I don't know if I can... if-if I can talk about i-it," he blubbered.

"Yes, you can. Louis, I told you. I trust you; I wish you would trust me." He nodded and I sighed in relief as I led him to the line of chairs that sat against the wall.

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