Chronicle 22

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Today I saw something that blew my mind. It was reminiscent of a dream from my youth. But this was real.

I was shopping, you know the holidays, what its like. The madness, the traffic, the rush of finding the next big deal. Yeah, that is so not us. We finish early, then we take this time, to enjoy ourselves. To go, shop for the satisfaction of finding a good deal, but not needing to. So we were out.

I had to go to the car to bring it back to pick up the others. I was no big deal. I had the car door opened, throwing my stuff inside when I noticed that behind the car, there was a type of shimmer. It was like seeing oil on hot pavement. But it was December. As I stared longer, there literally was a reptilian type of creature that stepped out of the shimmer. In movement, it shifted its head from right to left as it continued moving forward in its movement. The shimmer appeared before it and it was like it stepped back into it the same way it had stepped out, disappearing. I could describe it to a tee. Thick reptilian skin in shades of brown and yellow with tinges of green. Smart, oval shaped eyes that had watched closely as it had surveyed right to left. Intelligence. There was intelligence in those large, dark eyes.

Amazement, brilliance, fear...all those emotions filtered through the recesses of my mind. Yet, for all that, I was not shocked at what I saw. Because I had seen this before, years before, in a dream.

Real as life. And terrifying...

It was the future, as I was only about ten when I had the dream. We were in the south, somewhere with mountains. Living in a compound that was surrounded by high fences, double thick, with barbed wire across the top. Energy powered by the sun with high panels that extended 40 feet above to keep them safe from destruction. We depended upon them to survive. Electrical shocks given if to close to the fence.

I remember the buildings, more like warehouses than actual houses. There was a dome. It was the main sanctuary. Where to go if they came, if they got through.

They...the large reptilian creatures that had begun to overrun the earth. Just appearing one day, and nearly everyday after that. One by one, they destroyed, feed upon and decimated the human race. They grew to heights of seven and eight feet. Claws thick and curved. We, humanity, were just not ready for such a skilled and violent opponent. We fought back, the military, the militia's, we fought back and we were slaughtered under their violence.

I remember the sirens, in my dream. A breach. They were inside. The dome swallowed us, as we sought to save ourselves, save our loved ones. Fear was raw and rancid in the air, as people crowded in. The dome shutting, keeping us safe and inside. Gun fire, rounds, blasts, all still heard, though muted behind the thick walls. And the knowledge, and now the fear, that some of us, the children, had not made it in. Trying, fighting to get free, the find them, to save them.

That fear, the racing of my heart, the bitter tang of acid on my tongue when I awoke. This was my dream, and right before me, for but a matter of moments, had my dream stood real. Come to life and face to face. I know what a dream is, yet this was no dream. It was real; flesh and bone and blood.

© 2013, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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