Chronicle 14

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  • Dedicated to Denise Mason

I discovered that my mother was a Fallen when I was a teenager. You'd have thought we'd have recognized each other. But that is not the case. She repressed her Knowledge and her gifts. She was the embodiment of witchcraft and heresy as a child. Once again, she was only one and a half. So she hide what she was, even from herself.

It was as a teenager that my gifts began to resurface and that she confessed some of her "supposed" sins to me. The truths were uncanny.

Her Knowledge was that of my own. So many memories. So much loss and destruction as our abilities had been ripped away.

She could talk of the cosmos. I once saw her keep a conversation going with a physicist for several hours discussing worm holes and quantum physics. After they were done, he wanted to know were she had done her studies, what universities had colored her aspirations so wonderfully? She informed him that she had graduated high school with a C average. End of story. Now, he was speechless.

She used to tell us stories of the universe, things about the cosmos that were "right" and that would be figured out one day by science. I remember getting a paper work in elementary school because they asked how many planets were in our solar system? I put 10. My teacher told me I was wrong, there was only 9. I shook my head at her and said no, my mom said that there was 10. There was one more out past Pluto. She laughed at me. I still got the question wrong. But it was only a couple of years after that, that they announced of TV that there was indeed a small "planet" out past Pluto. My mom just smiled and laughed.

What she always said was, "one day science would prove me right." Science is only the knowledge that we have a certain point in time. It can change and does just as surely as the seasons.

© 2013, Aelfwynn MacGregor

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