Chronicle 51

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Did I ever tell you, that there was three wishes that I wanted to do, before I died?

1.       I wanted to fly. Not in a plane, but fly. As in no feet on the ground.

2.       I wanted to touch the clouds.

3.       I wanted to find the end of a rainbow.

Even looking at this list, I am sure most of you are laughing. But I have done it. I have accomplished all three of my wishes.

The first we already spoke of earlier, remember. When I was younger, I manages to lift myself of the ground and be suspended for quite a while before touching back down to earth. I was flying like none before has done before, and as of right now, none other can do.

Second, to touch the clouds. I actually have managed to do this twice. I guess you really wouldn't imagine a way to touch the clouds, unless you were flying, but this was not the case.

The first time we lived up North. I was out in a late night run to Walmart with my mother. We were bringing the old expressway home, with no other traffic really around, it was around 3 in the morning. We were getting close to an overpass when we saw something really cool. There was a cloud in the sky, and as we watched, it literally came drifting down from the sky. It was a cloud, an actual frickin' cloud. It was about 12 feet wide and probably 6 to 7 feet high. We slowed down and watched until it came to rest about 4 feet off the ground. We drove through it slowly, all the while, putting our hands out the window to touch. It was like holding water in your hand that was made of wind. Cool and cold, yet wet and fluid. It was amazing. It kind of floated around and away afterwards.

The second time I was down South. We were traveling through the mountains on the way to visit family. We were on this really high peak, when we noticed that the clouds were literally coming down to the ground. It was not fog, nor was it mist, there really is a big difference between the three. These clouds were large and they were shaped. Just like looking at the clouds in the sky. Marshmallow fluff and all. We played in the clouds. It was like fibrous water, cool and moist. Our hands were wet from the clouds. It was amazing, like running through a sprinkler that had mass and substance. We were both children for a while. Together.

The third. A Rainbow. Everyone says that rainbows have no ends. Science says that rainbows have no ends. I did not believe it. I never have and I know that I am right. Because I have found the end of a rainbow. I was sitting on my grandmother's front porch. It was midday. It had been raining for a while and had finally slowed down, to a drizzling stop. Mist was kind of suspended in the air. So I was sitting on the stoop, my feet resting on the top step, when I looked across the street. The neighbors had a huge pond in their front yard, the previous owners had owned cattle. Coming down from the sky was a bright rainbow. It was hugh, going up at least several hundred feet. It was probably around 7 feet wide. And when I say bright, I mean bright. You could see every single individual color, before each one blended into the next, all of it completely translucent. There were two hugh boulders that sat next to the pond, and the rainbow came down right in front of them. The boulders were multi colored depending upon were you looked at them. It was awesome! Downright one of the coolest things that I had ever seen in my life. I wished I could have touched it, seen if my hand would have changed colored, if I'd been able to put it behind the rainbow. There's nothing to compare it too! I watched it for a long time, dreaming. Until it faded back away into non-existence.

Even the most unbelievable dreams can come true. If we watch and wait and know what to look for. But sometimes, they just come to us. And they leave us changed, for the rest of our lives.

© 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

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