Chronicle 45

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     Curling up, my kids lying next to me, it was almost like finding home again. We'd placed mattresses on the ground, covered with sheets and blankets, it was comfortable. Of course the kids did not want to sleep on their own mattress, it is always better to snuggle up with mom when things are new and places are unknown. But we felt safe. And safe was exactly what I was seeking for them. The cavern was a miracle. We have plenty of space, so that we were not all on top of each other, unless we so chose. Even the little one, has plenty of space to practice her walking and running.

Several weeks have passed here. The news on the outside is much as I assumed it would be. The Tindare are on every channel. They discuss their policies, their reasons for coming to earth. They speak of a legacy to move mankind into the future. Of healing the hurts of the people of earth and bringing prosperity. Still, they have not asked what they wish in return.

That will come soon.

By then, the people will already be getting accustomed to what the Tindare have brought with them, what they have already given to the people. And the promise of what more there is to come.

© 2014, Aelfwynn MacGregor, AMB

The Chronicles of a StarGazer: The Chaos of CreationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang